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CIA, keeps drone program after Pentagon blows up civilians in Yemen 1/17/14

  • Uploaded 11 years ago in the category News and Politics

    Published on Jan 17, 2014


    Another Yemeni civilian - a farmer - was killed in a US drone strike on Wednesday in an a


    Published on Jan 17, 2014


    Another Yemeni civilian - a farmer - was killed in a US drone strike on Wednesday in an attack apparently intended for suspected Islamist militants.

    Also on Wednesday, the US House approved a $1.1 trillion spending bill that contains a secret provision keeping the drone program under the umbrella of the CIA.

    Critics had hoped the lethal counterterrorism operations would be moved to the Pentagon's purview, where there was the potential for more transparency.

    RT's Ameera David speaks with Robert Naiman, policy editor for Just Foreign Policy, about the latest developments in the US drone program.

  • # CIA
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