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Rape, Just How Much Of A Double Standard Is There?

  • Uploaded 11 years ago in the category News and Politics

    Published on Feb 11, 2014



    "It was just last June that Wall Street


    Published on Feb 11, 2014



    "It was just last June that Wall Street Journal columnist James Taranto declared there is a "war on men." At the time, he was writing about the "campaign against sexual assault in the military" that in his mind had turned into an effort to "criminalize male sexuality." In a new column, Taranto has extended his war to college campuses.

    As a jumping off point, Taranto uses an article by The New York Times' Michael Winerip titled "Stepping Up to Stop Sexual Assault," which focuses on "bystander intervention" programs as a way to prevent rape on college campuses.

    Taranto doesn't actually oppose the program, but he does argue that it helps the supposed rapist as much as it does the victim.

    Taranto's real rhetorical gymnastics come when he takes Winerip's analogy about drunk driving prevention in a disturbing direction.

    "The hope is that bystander programs will have the same impact on campus culture that the designated driver campaign has had in reducing drunken driving deaths," Winerip writes in his piece, referring merely to the awareness of the issue that groups like Mothers Against Drunk Driving have had on the culture."* The Young Turks hosts Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian break it down.

    *Read more here from Matt Wilstein / Mediaite:



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