News and Politics

Politics at CNNNEXT.COM has news, opinion and analysis of American and global politics Find news and video about elections, the White House, the U.N and much more.

Dana White Caught On Tape 03:05

Dana White Caught On Tape

Now We Know Why Joe Biden Got So Angry 01:00

Now We Know Why Joe Biden Got So Angry

  • by susan
  • 4 years ago
What else are they hiding from us? 00:57

What else are they hiding from us?

President Kamala? 00:37

President Kamala?

Central Park Karen Threatens Black Man 04:06
Planned_demic 25:52


Governor Apologizes To Tupac Shakur 07:22

Governor Apologizes To Tupac Shakur

Trump: Governors Have Gone Too Far 10:05
Gift Giving Rules You MUST Follow 05:11
Koby Bryant killed in helicopter crash 02:50
Bernie SHREDS Trump’s Iran Policy 06:50

Bernie SHREDS Trump’s Iran Policy

Trump Threatens Iran 15:23

Trump Threatens Iran

Pope Francis SLAPS Woman's Hand 05:11

Pope Francis SLAPS Woman's Hand

first take recap full show 1/2/20 32:20
Democratic Debate Winners & Losers on TYT 7:38:47
Melania Trump ATTACKS 16-Year-Old 07:31

Melania Trump ATTACKS 16-Year-Old

Whoopi Tells Meghan McCain To Shut It 09:08
OUCH, Trump Booed At UFC Fight 06:56

OUCH, Trump Booed At UFC Fight

Juan Luis Guerra - Bachata En Fukuoka 03:08
Trump PUNKED By Turkey 42:40

Trump PUNKED By Turkey

William Barr Covering Trump's Tracks 41:55