Daniel Luz

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Weekly Address: It’s Time To Reform our Criminal Justice System 03:09

Weekly Address: It’s Time To Reform our Criminal Justice System

Published by DanielLuz Published on Oct 31, 2015 In this week's address, the Presiden

Why is the Greek Debt Referendum happening now? 02:12

Why is the Greek Debt Referendum happening now?

PUBLISHED BY DanielLuz@mailHazard.com How did Greece find itself in such a predicamen

 Studies Shows Major Change Is Around The Corner 06:09

Studies Shows Major Change Is Around The Corner

PROVIDED BY There is a critical mass that can be achieved for revolution to occur. T

43yrs in windowless cell, 24/7: Federal court blocks release of 'Angola ' inmate who is Innocent 03:35

43yrs in windowless cell, 24/7: Federal court blocks release of '

PUBLISHED BY DanielLuz@mailHazard.com A federal court blocked the release of the last