Karolyn Perkinson

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China Exposes New G20 Summit Hypocrisy and lies 09:28

China Exposes New G20 Summit Hypocrisy and lies

You won't believe what Biden just said after all the sanctions the US imposed on China. Biden gave a statement thinking that he is trying to create good relations with China after the G20 meeting with China's Premier League Biden said we don't want to contain China instead we want to make sure we have a relationship that is on the up and up squared away but don't be misled by this statement before you know the actual truth According to Forbes, the US has imposed a list of sanctions on China, and

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China Exposes New G20 Summit Hypocrisy and lies 09:28

China Exposes New G20 Summit Hypocrisy and lies

You won't believe what Biden just said after all the sanctions the US imposed on Chin