Tabitha Collings

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Is Seaweed The Fastest Solution To Climate-Change? | Future Planet | BBC Earth Lab 08:06

Is Seaweed The Fastest Solution To Climate-Change? | Future Planet | B

Humans have been making use of seaweed for over 45,000 years, but only now are we sta

Police Interrogations: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO) 24:42

Police Interrogations: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

John Oliver discusses the tactics that can make police interrogations so damaging, pa

NYC subway shooting suspect in custody 09:29

NYC subway shooting suspect in custody

Frank James was wanted for allegedly shooting 10 people on a Brooklyn subway.

New COVID-19 Variant Discovered in the Bay Area 02:03

New COVID-19 Variant Discovered in the Bay Area

A new variant of the coronavirus is in the Bay Area and it is believed to be the firs