provided by Americans are plenty angry at Congress in the aftermath of the debt crisis and Republicans could pay the greatest price, a new Associated Press-GfK poll suggests. The poll finds the tea party has lost sup
On day three of the partial government shutdown, a new CBS News poll reveals that a large majority of Americans disapprove of the shutdown and more are blaming Republicans than President Obama and the Democrats for it. Fully 72 percent of A
PUBLISHED ON JUNE 14, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM A mere 5 percent of voters think most members of Congress have done a good enough job to deserve re-election, according to a CBS News Poll released Wednesday. While this number
Published on Jul 14, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Racist...? Jews Hate Americans ? Israel gov TV ad made by Israel telling Jews to don't date Americans and return home to Israel
Published on Sep 21, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Congress members are on the campaign trail preparing for the midterm elections but analyst say while Americans are fed up with congress there is an expected low voter turnout. Cong
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Our Children Will Hate People, Because Of Donald Trump ABOUT HILLARY CLINTON Hillary Clinton has served as Secretary of State, Senator from New York, First Lady of the United States, First Lady of Arkansas, a
PUBLISHED ON AUGUST 8, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Israel will be receiving more money from the US after a bill signed by US President Barack Obama this week. At an African Leadership Conference he defended his decision to sign th
U.S. support of Israel's brutal crimes hurts American security because it angers many people & some are motivated to resort to terrorism. U.S. support of Israel puts Americans at risk & it's immoral & unjust. If Americans knew what Israel w
Middle Class Published on Jul 9, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM President Obama speaks in Denver on expanding opportunity for more Americans. July 9, 2014.
Published on Apr 26, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM In this week's address, the President highlights small business owners across the country acting to raise wages for their workers, and calls on Congress to give America a raise so m
Published on Mar 29, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM In this week's address, Vice President Biden discusses the importance of raising the federal minimum wage. It's good for workers, it's good for business, and it would help close the
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM In this week's address, President Obama says that before Congress leaves for vacation, they should extend unemployment benefits for 1.3 million hardworking Americans who will lose this lifeline at the end of
3/2/13 In his weekly address, President Obama tells the American people that a series of harmful budget cuts—called the sequester—have taken effect because Congress failed to act. Because Republicans in Congress refused to compromise to c
Published on Mar 8, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM In this week's address, President Obama highlights the momentum building across the country to give Americans a raise and reiterates his call for Congress to increase the minimum wag
Published on May 17, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM In this week's address, the President discusses actions to expand opportunity for more Americans, with or without the help of Republicans in Congress, including his Administration's
Seven out of 10 workers have checked out at work or are actively disengaged, according to a recent Gallup survey. The poll, released last week, examined worker engagement beginning in 2010 and ending in 2012. The previous poll perio
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Published on Jan 27, 2016 In addition to paying outrageous prices for health insurance, Americans are also being squeezed when it comes time to pay for their prescriptions. Drug prices in the U.S. are higher
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM A PAC for atheist candidates? ...the Center for Humanist Activism launched a political action committee, hoping to turn the tide. The Freethought Equality Fund PAC is being billed as the first non-theist PAC
Published on Jul 30, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM House Republicans passed a bill to sue the President. But suing the President doesn’t create jobs or help hardworking families. It doesn’t fix our roads and bridges. And it doesn’t
PUBLISHED ON JUNE 22, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Demos for Congress Ad: Lee Zeldin, Very Taxing, Americans wont benefit from a dirty politician who taxes anything in site just to make a few bucks from fortune 500 companies. Rep
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Heavy wind and snowfall did not deter a crowd of protesters, who gathered to denounce the upcoming speech to the US Congress by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The protesters assembled outside the
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Published on Apr 28, 2015 Like it or not, ’fast track’ is on its way to becoming a reality. Last week, Paul Ryan’s House Ways and Means Committee passed the Bipartisan Congressional Trade Priorities and Accoun
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Published on Apr 2, 2016 There are many reasons to think Donald Trump is a net negative for the Republican party, especially over time. His utter failure at selling his snake oil to millennials bodes well for
Published on Aug 14, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM NSA leaker Edward Snowden discloses in an extensive profile in Wired magazine that the U.S. government ran a top secret cyber-war program, which he claims could accidentally start a
Join Bush in a good laugh at the American People. If people know they're slaves they'll fight for freedom. If they are brainwashed from birth into thinking they are l
As civilians were being killed in Syria, the UN's top human rights body was busy holding its ritual UN Day of Hate, against Israel. One day devoted to targeting Israel is a permanent feature of every council meeting, under its only country-
Published on May 26, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Alan Krueger has a response for people, including top officials at the Federal Reserve, who question his research showing the long-term unemployed have been pushed to the fringes o
2/23/13 President Obama urges Congress to stop the sequester -- the harmful automatic cuts that threaten thousands of jobs and affect our national security from taking effect on March 1.
Senate minority whip Sen. John Thune sets expectations for if Republicans take back the House and Senate after the midterms on 'Sunday Night in America.' #FoxNews #Fox #Gowdy
PUBLISHED ON 5/22/14 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM TV ad from Lee Rogers for Congress highlighting Lee's priorities in Congress
Published on Jul 5, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM A majority of Americans blame the recent surge of violence in Iraq on former U-S President George W. Bush. According to a Quinnipiac University poll, more than 51 percent of the r
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Appointments to the Appointments to the US supreme court are for life, so who is chosen and their views have far reaching implications. are for life, so who is chosen and their views have far reaching implica
Published on Feb 23, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Marking a significant shift in public opinion after more than 12 years of war, Americans are as likely to say sending troops to Afghanistan was a mistake as they are to say it was
Published on Aug 28, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Pro-U.S. rebels in Syria say a second American jihadi fighting with ISIS has been killed. CNN's Ted Rowlands reports.
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Congress did very, very little in 2013 — setting all-time records for both most unproductive and most unpopular Congress ever. Both the House and Senate have passed dozens of bills that the other chamber igno
Theres nothing I hate worse than a people that Blame the world for anti-semetism, and yet they hate anyone who doesnt believe how they believe. They own all of the banks, the media, and soon the military. they are entrenched in politics, an
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM 12/18/13 In this episode of the Keiser Report, Max Keiser and Stacy Herbert discuss factory-farmed citizen consumers who live in mom's basement, dragging the economy down with them. They also discuss the m
The IRS is fighting to keep Elon Musk and his merry men access to the sensitive personal data of American taxpayers. Meanwhile, the acting head of the Social Security Administration has stepped down in the face of further overreach by Musk.
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Watch the full interview with Ralph Nader on Democracy Now! at . In the past two months, fast-food workers across the country have walked off the job to push for a $15-an-hour wage and the right to unionize w
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Former Congressman Allen West spoke recently at a Republican Women's Club event in Florida and got a question from someone who said, 'I personally believe that Obama is a Muslim.' And in an exchange flagged b
The New York Times's Susan Saulny reports from Seattle where she talks with young adults who are struggling with homelessness as a result of the recession. Related article: Please visit in ord
President Obama urges Congress to meet its deadlines and responsibilities, protect the middle class from an income tax hike, and lay the groundwork for future progress on more economic growth and deficit reduction.
Published on Jul 30, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM A freshman lawmaker apologized Friday after mistaking two U.S. officials for Indian nationals, saying he “shot an air ball.” “I made a mistake in speaking before being fully bri
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM If you feel like our Congressional leaders today seem a little more dull than their predecessors, you aren't alone. In fact, Republicans developed a plan almost 20 years to help make every institution in Wash
Published on Jul 5, 2014 The people's representatives can't agree on much of anything these days — even calling a recess. When senators and members of the House went home for their Independence Day break, they didn't, or couldn't, ag
provided by Despite a rosier jobs picture in April, for Americans ages 55 or older who have been unemployed long-term, the prospect of finding work is greatly limited. Economic correspondent Paul Solman explores why olde
Vice President Biden puts on a show as he greets senators and their families during the first day of the new Congress.
Published on Jan 4, 2013 Erskine Bowles says averting the fiscal cliff was a step in the right direction but a missed opportunity for more substantial change.
Published on Jul 1, 2014 PUBLISHED ON JUNE 2, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Obama announced Monday that he will pursue immigration reform, even if it means going without Congress. MSNBC contributor Victoria DeFrancesco Soto and MSN
Published on Jul 31, 2014 Republicans don't care about Americans in poverty They block unemployment, they block jobs creation for Americans because its cheaper to have slave labor over seas.
Published on Aug 29, 2014 A former US Senate candidate calls for a congressional investigation into the creation and funding of the ISIL terrorist group by the United States, Israel and Saudi Arabia. “The entire world knows that this IS
Published on Sep 9, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Lawmakers said Tuesday they were considering doing more to monitor and hold accountable police departments across the United States that obtain sophisticated military equipment from
How far has the public's opinion of Congress dropped?
President Obama faces an uphill battle with Congress over the issue of gun control. Dana Bash report
Published on Apr 14, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Bob Orr talks to the CBS This Morning co-hosts about 73-year-old Frazier Glenn Miller, the suspect in the deadly shootings in Kansas City, Kansas, who is a well-known former Ku Kl
Published on SEPTEMBER 1, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM How tax inversion affects working Americans Big corporations are free to move across borders to save taxes - but regular Americans can’t. Bloomberg TV’s Trish Regan and The
Published on Jul 7, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM It's going to be a little more difficult to ferret out which members of Congress are lavished with all-expenses-paid trips around the world after the House has quietly stripped away
Published on Aug 16, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Members of Congress are getting paid more than $2,000 for every bill they pass. The chart below -- assembled by the Washington Post, based on data from the Congressional Research
Published on Feb 15, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM LIKE US HTTP://FACEBOOK.COM/CNNNEXT This week, President Obama took action to lift more workers' wages by requiring that federal contractors pay their employees a fair wage of at l
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Chris Hayes talks to Senator Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., about why the new poll numbers surprised him and why he won't repeat what he calls Obama's biggest political mistake.
Published on Sep 14, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Many Americans don't know which countries we're bombing - but in their defense, there are a lot of countries, and we drop a lot of bombs.
Published on Apr 5, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM In this week's address, President Obama highlights the important differences between the budget he's put forward -- built on opportunity for all -- and the budget House Republicans a
Published on Jul 11 2014 Former congressman Todd Akin (R-Mo.) regrets apologizing for his 2012 remark that legitimate rape rarely causes pregnancy. Akin explains himself in a soon-to-be-released book, Firing Back: Taking on the Pa
Published on Jul 4, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Independence Day holiday is a time for grilling, fireworks, and parades. But how much is about patriotism?
Published on Aug 17, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Rep. Lee Terry (R-Neb.) says Congress can't afford a pay cut because its last salary increase occurred six years ago. Terry, considered one of the Republican Party’s most vulne
PUBLISHED ON MAY17, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Democrat Matt Miller releases first television ad. For more information, check
In this week's address, President Obama says that the economy is moving in the right direction, but there is still more work to do. provided by like us
Published on Aug 15, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Foreign Policy magazine just did a report called The Big Lie Americans Tell Themselves, which details a history of American non-intervention into genocides around the world. Even
President Obama discusses the bipartisan legislation in the United States Senate that would take important steps towards fixing our broken immigration system, while growing our economy and reducing the deficit. provided by http://cnnnext
Published on Jul 26, 2014 Republicans PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Debate why is Israel so evil ? they kill civilizations around the middle east pretend that Palestine people have rockets when in fact they have fire crackers Why
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM This week, the President represented the US at the G20 in St. Petersburg, addressed the nation on the ongoing crisis in Syria, and honored the 12th anniversary of September 11th at the Pentagon and with a ser
Claiming victory, House Speaker John Boehner hailed the House vote Friday to derail 'Obamacare' but continue funding the government. Boehner called President Barack Obama's health care law 'a trainwreck,' that is 'hurting the American peop
PROVIDED BY HTTP:// In his weekly address, President Obama says the economy is making progress five years after the worst recession since the Great Depression, but to avoid another crisis, Congress must meet two deadlines in the
provided by Pope Francis offered an olive branch of sorts to the doctrine-minded, conservative wing of the Catholic Church on Friday as he denounced abortions as a symptom of today's throw-away culture and encouraged
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM NSA 'routinely' shares Americans' data with Israel Snowden leak 1) WTF! NSA Is Giving U S Citizen Data to ISRAEL
Published on Sep 10, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Lawmakers grilled federal officials on Tuesday over why they’ve been giving small towns across America military-grade weaponry designed for use in combat zones. The hearing comes as
Published on Sep 10, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM African-Americans are unemployed twice as much as whites, according to new figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. While many free market proponents view minority culture
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM In an interview with NBC, president apologized for a broken promise he made about health care law.
Published on May 5, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Five years after the Great Recession ended, the slow-paced recovery has sapped the ranks of America's middle class. The brutal recession's fallout is changin. More Americas See Mi
PUBLISHED ON MAY 17, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Our first TV ad of the campaign is live! And we're taking on everything from climate change to equal pay. Watch it today!
Published on Sep 17, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Surely receiving assault rifles and tanks would come with some accountability attached.
Published on Sep 22, 2014 After a five-week summer recess that President Obama mocked as a “vacation,” the House and Senate might only be in session for a handful of legislative days before lawmakers head home to campaign for the midterm
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM A Constitutional Convention to get money out of politics is now even more a reality than ever thanks to the determined efforts of Dan Marks, a frustrated citizen who turned his dismay into action. He noticed C
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Israeli officials have reportedly asked the US Congress for an additional aid to be used in their missile programs. The Israelis have requested for over 300 million dollars in the fiscal year beginning on fir
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM In this week’s address, the President reiterated his commitment to middle-class economics, and to ensuring that all hard-working Americans get the secure and dignified retirement they deserve.
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Published on Mar 18, 2015 One of the only things that the Republican Party actually excels at is telling the American public WHAT they need to be afraid of. At the heart of all of their messaging is FEAR. Th
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Published on Mar 20, 2015 A majority of Americans are unfamiliar with the SCOTUS case King v. Burwell...
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Published on Mar 28, 2015 In this week’s address, the President highlighted the progress made protecting American consumers since he signed Wall Street reform into law five years ago, including an important ne
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Published on Apr 8, 2015 A report says the US Justice Department and the Drug Enforcement Agency spied on millions of Americans long before the nine-eleven terrorist attacks. According to an investigative repo
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Published on Apr 12, 2015 The Young Turks discusses Dana Milbank's views on why the GOP seems to go out of their way to demonize and keep down those that are less financially fortunate. 'It's expensive being
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Published on Apr 27, 2015 Protests are continuing in Baltimore as residents demand answers in the death of Freddie Gray, a 25-year-old black man who died of apparent spinal injuries after being arrested by pol
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Published on May 6, 2015 Musician and activist Sir Elton John thanks the U.S. Congress for its prior efforts on HIV/AIDS relief and urges further action to end the epidemic.
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Published on May 11, 2015 In a little-noticed brief filed last summer, lawyers for the House of Representatives claimed that an SEC investigation of congressional insider trading should be blocked on princip
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Published on Jun 20, 2015 In this week's address, the President spoke to his priority of growing the economy and opening new avenues of opportunity for hardworking Americans.
PROVIDED Paula Alton ON CNNNEXT.COM Donald Trump is still surging in the polls thanks to his appeal to the racist base of the Republican Party. But Trump’s comments on immigrants were only possible because of the right wing noise machine
Watch this video ad-free on Nebula: Please Subscribe: Select videos courtesy of Getty Images Select videos courtesy of the AP Archi
President Barack Obama marks the 25th anniversary of the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act.
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Published on Aug 17, 2015 The corporate media has been almost completely silent about the fact that large parts of the country are burning to the ground. The government is having to spend obscene amounts of m
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Published on Aug 22, 2015 In this week's address, the President spoke to the economic progress that our country has made over the past few years, from over 13 million new jobs over the past five and a half yea