The perfect event caused by HAARP? To bring in FEMA, Martial Law, POSTPONE The 2012 Presidential Election?
that is reaL strange stuff! Are that only HAARP-Games or is that a big disappearing UFO? At 4:04 the 'normal'-lenseflare looks like Nibiru/ the Red Winged Planet Full Weather Control - be prepare! They use HAARP (& chemtrails) to mani the families are farnese borgia breaspear aldobrandini Orsini medici Next attack on US is ritual by vatican City of london and the elite.
peoplejustlikeus lagadi obama olberman rogers celente jones beck schiff icke celente faber wikispeaksglobal wikileaks FEMA DHS government conspiracy illuminati new world order martial police military election obama congress grassroots gov
On October 13, 2010 Saskatchewan experienced yet another attack from HAARP on our weather and psyches. Currently there are several psychotronic weapons being used against of this, is very important right now as techno
Part 2 here: The Military's Mystery Machine - Haarp Weather Modification Technology *update* why this cuts out .. not sure. *uploaded* part 2 -- see videos to conti
Here's a report on HAARP, an expirement made by USA to engineer the weather.
These high-voltage pulse generators (Tesla Coils) belong to the All-Russian ElectroTechnical Institute's high-voltage scientific research center 55° 55' 26.15 , 36° 49' 10.97 According to many people from Russia I have spoken wit
The Obama Deception End Game Zietgiest Fastwalkers [aka ufo's] Fall of the Republic NASTRADAMUS 2012 [the history channel] Chemtrails and HAARP Weather Warfare [the history channel]
These films were taken before large Earth Quakes. Notice all of them have many things in common, One being no birds! Another the Odd Clouds and Colors... Finally all were within a half our of the Quakes The NWO little toy is at work!
Soviet Scalar Radar Confirmed as Weather Weapon The Military's Mystery Machine - Haarp Weather Modification Technology in Alaska Soviet Scalar Radar
HAARP PROJECT, THE BLUE BEAM WEATHER MODIFICATION MACHINE. Is this the Star Wars Defense program spoken of by Ex-President Ronald Reagan, The MKUltra Mind Controlled, Illuminati, and Masonic Slave?
Like if you like. (o: And feel free to subscribe to my channel... MILITARY USING HAARP CHEMTRAIL PROGRAM TO CAUSE EARTHQUAKES AND WEATHER WARFARE DOCUMENTED BY THE HISTORY CHANNEL!!! ☁☢☁====✈ ☁☢☁====✈ ☁☢☁====✈ ☁☢☁====✈ Man
HAVE YOU HEARD THE HUM.. Does HAARP Make A Sound?? If Not.. Then What is... The News Clip is From March 2011. All the Video Clips are from 2011!! So.. Does HAARP make a Sound? If You Enjoyed This Video Please Share And Like It!!
HAARP (High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program). THE Weapon of Mass Destruction . It is the source of artificial weather changes (such as TORNADOS, droughts, floodings, cyclones and tsunamis) and also EARTHQUAKES. Not only that,
Build in 1958 this machine makes terrible things happen with the weather and much more.
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM This is an excellent capture of the beam stepping through various frequencies. It is rather violent in the way the clouds jump to position, based on the particular wavelength. The point is, the control is
Published on Jul 9, 2012 by xBLACKxOPSxSECRETSx I Found this video here: Subscribe to me? Subscribe to My 2nd Channel : - Subscribe Via Faceboo
Published on Jul 9, 2012 by xBLACKxOPSxSECRETSx I Found this video here: Subscribe to me? Subscribe to My 2nd Channel : - Subscribe Via Faceboo
Please don't let the government-controlled media keep fooling you into thinking drought and fires are due to global warming. It is a hoax to deter people from the truth, and that is, that military planes and HAARP are causing droughts, thus
Picture captures from site Strange Days-Strange Skies, along with music. My recording program ruined resolution of some of the pictures, but you should still get idea of formations captures. Here's link to site from where I got them: ht
The Weather Machine. The Aurora. UFOs. SR-71. Area 51. Reverse Engineering. Black projects, budgets, covert ops, recon, drones, deception. Weather Manipulation. Chemtrails. The Truth Denied. HAARP. Project Blue Beam. Surprise! This is
Please tap the like button and fav... I need help getting this information out to farmers. Texas A&M has lied to farmers blaming this on freeze damage, no rain (with abundant moisture) fungus, and anything under the sun. But they ignore
People around the world are noticing that our planet's weather is dramatically changing. They are also beginning to notice the long lingering trails left behind airplanes that have lead millions to accept the reality of chemtrail/geoengine
Doc about weather modification technology in use today..HAARP, Chemtrails,atmospheric warming...Weapons used to produce earthquakes,tsunami,volcano erruption,global warming,lightening, cyclones,tornado,floods,drought, mega storms..etc, etc.
Watch the whole series in order... it's totally worth it. Freeman Fly from The Freeman Perspective explains... He is a Wealth of information!