PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM This is an excellent capture of the beam stepping through various frequencies. It is rather violent in the way the clouds jump to position, based on the particular wavelength. The point is, the control is
HAVE YOU HEARD THE HUM.. Does HAARP Make A Sound?? If Not.. Then What is... The News Clip is From March 2011. All the Video Clips are from 2011!! So.. Does HAARP make a Sound? If You Enjoyed This Video Please Share And Like It!!
Only Action News has an audio recording linked to the Michigan State Police Officer just charged by the Attorney General.
On October 13, 2010 Saskatchewan experienced yet another attack from HAARP on our weather and psyches. Currently there are several psychotronic weapons being used against of this, is very important right now as techno
Cops already being investigated by the justice department , getting caught on camera after stealing attorney's documents out of her brief case! Maricopa County Courtesy of check this website out.
The perfect event caused by HAARP? To bring in FEMA, Martial Law, POSTPONE The 2012 Presidential Election?
Ron Paul fights for the freedom of every American at the time in our nation's history when our liberty is more at stake than ever before. Though the 4th Amendment to the Constitution is highlighted in this video, the abuses of power seen in
that is reaL strange stuff! Are that only HAARP-Games or is that a big disappearing UFO? At 4:04 the 'normal'-lenseflare looks like Nibiru/ the Red Winged Planet Full Weather Control - be prepare! They use HAARP (& chemtrails) to mani the families are farnese borgia breaspear aldobrandini Orsini medici Next attack on US is ritual by vatican City of london and the elite.
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Published on Apr 23, 2015 John Iadarola, Jimmy Dore and Michael Shure of The Young Turks discuss news that mega food corporation Nestle has been caught using expired permits to extract water for bottling from
Join Bush in a good laugh at the American People. If people know they're slaves they'll fight for freedom. If they are brainwashed from birth into thinking they are l
Cops can be seen smashing gambling machines & putting confiscate
peoplejustlikeus lagadi obama olberman rogers celente jones beck schiff icke celente faber wikispeaksglobal wikileaks FEMA DHS government conspiracy illuminati new world order martial police military election obama congress grassroots gov
Psycho cop goes nuts over kids skateboarding, Police Brutality, bad cop, footage
In the video, viewed on Thursday by a Reuters reporter, Daniel appears to raise his hands in surrender as a white police officer throws him to the ground and beats him on the back and head. A second officer also appears to strike Daniel. T
This is by far one of the most horrendous things i have ever seen...
MEMPHIS POLICE BEAT TRANSSEXUAL - CAUGHT ON TAPE. The video, recorded February 12th, shows Duanna Johnson in the booking area at the Shelby County Criminal Justice Center after an arrest for prostitution.The tape clearly shows a Memphis pol
Graphic Warning: What really happened to this woman?
***********************READ DESCRIPTION -- OPEN ME!!!*********************** This video was created as an example of the importance of filming the police. Video provides transparency, accountability, and an accurate account of incidents tha
Ain't that a bi*ch? Caught On Tape Tennessee Cops Caught Planting Weed On Innocent Man!
Lincoln cop caught on tape assaulting woman at Twin River [support the infowars spread the news] [New Website]
A man who witnessed the police shooting of a dog in the East Village yesterday says that the pit bull mix named Star first snapped at a woman before turning on police. [The police] were telling people standing around to get back, but a lad
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Filing Complaints on Police Officers Crooked Cops Caught on Video
For the full video, please visit: UPD Caught on Tape - On February 11, 2011 UPD pulled over two people on the corner of Oneida Street and Clinton Place in Utica. The video shows Utica Police Officers Palladino and Partner alleg
Sponsor: - Cop caught on tape discussing vehicle he denied knowledge of (Nashua, NH) This clip is part of a series. See the full playlist at Music by: buy an ad Video from Bi
YOUTUBE VID: Gun Fail FREE GAME: Addicting MMO To Screw Around With FUNNY PICTURES: My Tumblr Is Full of Them.......... CAUGHT ON TAPE:Trying To File a Police Complaint And if you lik
Four Philadelphia Police officers are on desk duty as the department investigates a violent arrest caught on cell phone video Monday (04/06/12...
your lawmakers are voting more then once for the same bill, they are actually voting for their buddies and are even blatant enough to cast other lawmakers votes for them when they have their back turned! these clowns need to be in jail not
THIS VIDEO IS OWNED BY F0X-29 AND WILL BE IMMEDIATELY DELETED UPON REQUEST! Philadelphia, PA -- A police sergeant was caught on video choking an off-duty prison guard. The April 1 incident occurred inside Freddy and Tony's restaurant. Cops New TYT Facebook Page(!): Subscribe to the FREE Video Podcast on iTunes: Follow us on Twitter: DISCOUNTS: FREE Movies(!): Note: The above two li
Cops gone wild, caught on tape Part 7 FINAL FAIRWELL
Sponsor: - MPD threatens man for recording them on his parent's property in New Hampshire. This clip is part of a series. The next part should appear as a RidleyReport video response to this clip. Part 1 is at - CNN's Rick Sanchez Reports Police Beating Caught On Video - 5 Cops Fired In Birmingham, Alabama - 05/20/09 CNN Rick Sanchez Police Beating Caught Video Birmingham Alabama
this is one of the clips that was overlooked in the original uploads. through careful investigation of uploads it was apparent that this one was originally over looked in the upload process. without further ado, here it is!
Read more at: This video was not shot by me nor owned by me. Video is courtesy of Josh Cullip.
Sponsor: - Cop's ever-changing story turns into lawyer's field day. Thisclip is part of a series. The next part should appear as a RidleyReport video response to this clip. From there click on the RidleyReport video responses
As I was arrested for allegedly not going to housing court(which i went), the Sheriff's deputy thought it would be cute to text sweet nothings to someone while driving me to the holding center. That's fine cuz luckily i had my phone. Go ahe
both got beats by cops and was throwing in jail. where is justice?
Matilda Gifford has said she was approached by officers a few weeks after she was arrested in a protest at Aberdeen Airport in March. The 24-year-old is a member of the anti-airport expansion group Plane Stupid. In meetings at a police stat
Sponsor: LRN.FM - Judge flees courtroom - caught on tape. Greenfield, Massachusetts. New Hampshire liberty activists swarm a Mass. courtroom after one of their own was abducted by police for camcording them. How you can buy an ad http liber
Part 2 here: The Military's Mystery Machine - Haarp Weather Modification Technology *update* why this cuts out .. not sure. *uploaded* part 2 -- see videos to conti
Here's a report on HAARP, an expirement made by USA to engineer the weather.
These high-voltage pulse generators (Tesla Coils) belong to the All-Russian ElectroTechnical Institute's high-voltage scientific research center 55° 55' 26.15 , 36° 49' 10.97 According to many people from Russia I have spoken wit
The Obama Deception End Game Zietgiest Fastwalkers [aka ufo's] Fall of the Republic NASTRADAMUS 2012 [the history channel] Chemtrails and HAARP Weather Warfare [the history channel]
These films were taken before large Earth Quakes. Notice all of them have many things in common, One being no birds! Another the Odd Clouds and Colors... Finally all were within a half our of the Quakes The NWO little toy is at work!
Soviet Scalar Radar Confirmed as Weather Weapon The Military's Mystery Machine - Haarp Weather Modification Technology in Alaska Soviet Scalar Radar
HAARP PROJECT, THE BLUE BEAM WEATHER MODIFICATION MACHINE. Is this the Star Wars Defense program spoken of by Ex-President Ronald Reagan, The MKUltra Mind Controlled, Illuminati, and Masonic Slave?
Like if you like. (o: And feel free to subscribe to my channel... MILITARY USING HAARP CHEMTRAIL PROGRAM TO CAUSE EARTHQUAKES AND WEATHER WARFARE DOCUMENTED BY THE HISTORY CHANNEL!!! ☁☢☁====✈ ☁☢☁====✈ ☁☢☁====✈ ☁☢☁====✈ Man
Strange object caught by Mars Spirit Rover, which seems to show a missile, rocket type object in the martian sky. Object was caught by Spirit: Panoramic Camera: Sol 584 ADG Facebook:
published on July 11, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Egyptians have held a demonstration in Cairo in solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza facing a relentless Israeli onslaught. Participants in the protest denounced the Israeli aggres
HAARP (High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program). THE Weapon of Mass Destruction . It is the source of artificial weather changes (such as TORNADOS, droughts, floodings, cyclones and tsunamis) and also EARTHQUAKES. Not only that,
Build in 1958 this machine makes terrible things happen with the weather and much more.
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM In this week's address, President Obama says 2014 will be a year of action, and called on both parties to help make this a breakthrough year for the United States by bringing back more good jobs and expanding
Published on Apr 22, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM The US Supreme Court has dealt a blow to affirmative action, or positive discrimination as its also known. The decision could have far reaching implications on how students are
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM A North Carolina Ku Klux Klan (KKK) group says that it made a mistake when it accidentally targeted a predominately black Florida neighborhood in an attempt to recruit more members.* Cenk Uygur (http://www.
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Published on Dec 9, 2015 Last week, two joint resolutions were passed by the House that were aimed at eliminating the Obama Administration’s Clean Power Act, effectively stifling the President’s plan to cut ca
Published on Jan 17, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM PEMBROKE PINES (CBS4) -- The security video shows a 14 year-old mental patient being escorted down a hallway when a Pembroke Pines police officer reaches in . LIKE US HTTP://FACEBO
Published on Jan 25, 2014 provided by LIKE US HTTP://FACEBOOK.COM/CNNNEXT In his weekly address, President Obama said that the Administration has taken another important step to protect women at college by establishing
Seeking to spur fresh action on gun legislation, Vice President Joe Biden is meeting at the White House with victims groups and gun-safety organizations. Wednesday's meeting is to be part of a series of gatherings Biden is conducting this w
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM In this week's address, President Obama calls 2014 a year of action, which should start with Congress quickly passing emergency unemployment insurance for the 1.3 million Americans who lost this vital lifelin
President Obama reiterates his commitment to do everything in his power to implement a series of commonsense measures that would reduce gun violence in America. The President started off that effort with 23 concrete actions his Administrat
UFO Sighting during News broadcast Alien Craft Caught On Tape
Published on Sep 12, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Minority the new front in the shameful nationwide attempt by the gop to suppress the vote. the secretary of state, a republican, has been caught on tape warning about minority vot
Published on Jan 26, 2013 Breaking UFO Explosion Caught On Camera 2013Breaking UFO Explosion Caught On Camera 2013Breaking UFO Explosion Caught On Camera 2013Breaking UFO Explosion Caught On
1/29/13 Three police officers in Connecticut's largest city have been put on desk duty until further notice since a video showing them attacking a man after he had already been brought down with a taser was posted to YouTube. A taser c
2/3/13 Chaos erupts during changing of guard ceremony; police taser suspect. provided by sign in with facebook or twitter to add comments or share videos to facebook, google , twitter,or pin it, upload or embedd for favorate
Published on Jan 10, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Exclusive video of the final moments inside the small plane. LIKE US HTTP://FACEBOOK.COM/CNNNEXT FOLLOW US HTTP://TWITTER.COM/CNNNEXT
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Welcome to the West Wing Week, your guide to everything that's happening at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. This week, the President repeatedly called for Congress to extend Emergency Unemployment Insurance for mor
Published on Aug 17, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Leading British law firm Leigh Day has sent a letter to Business Secretary Vince Cable, calling for the immediate suspension of licenses for the export of military hardware to Israe
2/14/13 Processed beef products across the European Union are to be DNA tested for traces of horsemeat. EU Minsters meeting in Brussels called for more intensive checks to restore consumer confidence in the wake of a contamination scandal
2/15/13 INCREDIBLE - Russian Meteor Shower- Russia meteorite may be part of Giant Asteroid to Hit Earth! AMAZING CAUGH ON CAMERA INCREDIBLE - LLuvia de meteoritos en Rusia! de miedo wao Russian Meteor Shower- Russia meteorite may be part o
Published on Sep 14, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Cop Caught Driving Drunk At 100 MPH In A Car Filled With Illegal Narcotics
Published on Apr 3, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Caught on cam Mentally disabled man beaten by US police words from Once again crooked cops bringing their problems at home to work, tough guy cops said the
provided by like us shop At least four tornadoes touch down in Kansas; heavy rain and winds on its way.
In this week's address, President Obama says that the economy is moving in the right direction, but there is still more work to do. provided by like us
This week, the President gave a major speech on climate change policy, hosted a roundtable discussion with business leaders, named a new director of the FBI, and welcomed the next class of Presidential Innovation Fellows. provided by http:
A man is suspected to have broken into a suburban New Jersey home and beaten a woman for 10 minutes while her 3-year-old daughter watched. The man then is alleged to have robbed the woman's home, taking off with her wedding rings and her pu
Published on Jul 19, 2013 Sante Fe, N.M., police under fire for restraining a diabetic woman who had an attack while driving.
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM In his weekly address, President Obama makes the case for limited and targeted military action to hold the Assad regime accountable for its violation of international norms prohibiting the use of chemical w
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM This video may contain copyrighted material. This material is made available for educational, research, and news reporting purposes only. This constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as prov
Published on May 3, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM In this week's address, the President provides an update on the work his Administration has done to strengthen the economy and expand opportunity for hardworking Americans in this Ye
Published on May 5, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM South Sudan troops trying to recapture the oil hub of Bentiu from rebels have been forced back amid heavy gunfire.
PUBLISHED ON MAY 16, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Vote Vets Action Fund TV Commercial, 'John Boehner stop holding government hostage on fake Benghazi tactics,
Published on Sep 17, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM 23-year-old Santiago Hernandez says he was assaulted by up to half a dozen uniformed NYPD officers after he was stopped and frisked in the Melrose section of the Bronx. It happen
Published on Sep 18, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Cop Caught on Camera Savagely Beating His Girlfriend- Has Not Been Arrested. An example of CHARLOTTE COUNTY FLORIDA SHERIFF CORRUPTION: Why is it OK for a black man to go to jail fo
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Two Florida law enforcement officers are under fire after video surfaced of a Fort Lauderdale officer slapping a man and a Broward Sheriff's Office deputy dragging a handcuffed woman down a hallway.
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Published on Mar 21, 2015 The NYPD is caught whitewashing police brutality on Wikipedia
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Published on Apr 3, 2015 The death of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri brought police brutality to the national stage, but in the months since the shooting, there has been very little action to prevent anot
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Published on Jun 16, 2015 An Italian magazine has published a leaked draft of the Pope's encyclical on climate change, which is due for release on Thursday. In it, Pope Francis puts much of the blame for glob
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Published on Jul 30, 2015 Cenk Uygur (host of The Young Turks) discusses a recent report of Turkish officials helping ISIS in Iraq and Syria. Cenk breaks down the evidence that Turkey turned a blind eye to the
Over 500,000 Volkswagen and Audi vehicles equipped with a TDI diesel four-cylinder engine were designed by Volkswagen to cheat US emissions tests. As a result, these vehicles have been emitting as much as 40 times the level of smog-creating
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Published on Oct 5, 2015 Police Brutality VIDEO Cindy Hahn sues City of Carlsbad Police Assault caught on tape California Police Brutality VIDEO Cindy Hahn sues City of Carlsbad over Police Assault caught on
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM A pit bull was shot in an apartment hallway while walking towards an officer and wagging its tail, video shows.
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM false Published on Mar 28, 2016 The New York Police Department is investigating the controversial arrest of a postal worker for alleged disorderly conduct while he delivered packages on his route. Cellphone
The film was nominated for a Saturn Award for Best Special Effects but lost to Back to the Future. The film's score was provided by James Horner. A critical success and commercial hit, Commando was the 7th highest-grossing R-rated movie of
Eastern State University's football program attracts the finest players in the country from a variety of backgrounds and works to mold them into a fiercely motivated top ten team. Pushed to perform, these elite athletes collide on and off t
This movie the shit ya!!