Published on Feb 8, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM LIKE US HTTP://FACEBOOK.COM/CNNNEXT In this week's address, President Obama says he will do everything he can to make a difference for the middle class and those working to get into
President Obama delivers remarks at the LGBT Pride Month celebration at the White House. June 13, 2013. provided by like us
provided by like us This week, the President hosted the new President of China at a two-day informal summit in California, spoke on the importance of supporting the implementation of the Affordable
Published on Aug 18, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Officials warn the dysfunctional health care system and public mistrust are the reason for the rampant spreading of the deadly virus. Twenty infected patients fled a clinic in the
President Obama discusses Father's Day and notes that nothing substitutes for the love and support of the presence of a parent in a child's life. provided by like us
Published on Jun 17, 2013 provided by like us As the G-8 Summit opened in Northern Ireland, President Barack Obama and European leaders launched an ambitious bid to craft a sweeping transa
provided by like us follow us Earlier today, WikiLeaks sent out a cryptic tweet that hinted they had more information about yesterday's tragic death of reporter
President Obama discusses the bipartisan legislation in the United States Senate that would take important steps towards fixing our broken immigration system, while growing our economy and reducing the deficit. provided by http://cnnnext
provided by like us follow us You might think Michael's track record needs no defending. He wrote an immortal Rolling Stone article that exposed a caustic milit
In this week's address, President Obama tells the American people about a plan he unveiled a few days ago to confront the growing threat of climate change. His plan will cut carbon pollution, protect our country from the impacts of climate
President Barack Obama and his family visited Robben Island Sunday, where anti-apartheid leader Nelson Mandela spent 18 years confined to a tiny cell and working in a quarry. (7/1/13) provided by like us http://facebook
provided by like us follow us Russian President Vladimir Putin said Edward Snowden will have to stop leaking US secrets if he wants to stay in Russia. Meanwhile,
provided by like us follow us us Demonstrations follow violent clashes that left 7 dead and hundreds wounded. The national headquarters of the ruling Muslim Brot
Provided by like us follow us published on Jul 7, 2013 Director of National Intelligence James Clapper has apologized for telling Congress earlier this year that the N
Published on Jul 13, 2013 Provided by like us follow us President Obama discusses how a large, bipartisan majority in the Senate voted to pass comprehensive imm
Provided by like us The shooting death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin has raised awareness, with figures including President Obama offering the victim's family su
Provided by This week, the 44th President hosted the 41st President at the White House to confer the 5,000th Daily Point of Light award, honored Richard Cordray as the newly confirmed Director of the Consumer Finance P
provided by In this week's address, President Obama discusses the Senate's confirmation of Rich Cordray as Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
provided by Bill O'Reilly opened his show Monday night by examining President Obama's Friday afternoon speech on race and the Trayvon Martin case. O'Reilly began by saying Obama was correct in addressing the race issue
Provided by Published on Jul 26, 2013 Nearly five years after the start of the Great Recession, President Obama kicks off a series of speeches laying out the progress we've made since then and the work that's left to
Published on Feb 22, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM In this week's address, President Obama says this is a year of action, and he will do everything he can to restore opportunity for all. The President already lifted the wages for fe
Provided by Nearly five years after the start of the Great Recession, President Obama kicks off a series of speeches laying out the progress we've made since then and the work that's left to do to rebuild an economy wher
Provided by Secretary of State John Kerry has said that US drone strikes on Pakistan could end soon. Kerry's remark to Pakistani broadcaster PTV on Thursday was the first official confirmation that the Obama administrat
Provided by In this week's address, President Obama tells the American people that his plan for creating a better bargain for the middle class builds on the progress we've made, fighting our way back from the worst econo
Provided by Today in prefigurative policing: The Pentagon has a program that teaches federal workers to view colleagues as potential insider threats if they are vocally critical of U.S. foreign policy. The program enc
Provided by In this week's address, President Obama says that the housing market is starting to heal -- and that it's time to build on that progress by creating a better bargain for responsible, middle class homeowners.
Provided by ...Just yesterday, Face the Nation featured [Michael] Hayden as the premiere guest to speak authoritatively about how trustworthy the NSA is, how safe it keeps us, and how wise President Obama is for insisti
8/15/13 Provided by Russell Simmons (founder of Def Jam Records, Def Comedy Jam, the new Def Digital YouTube channel and more) talks to Cenk Uygur on The Young Turks. In this excerpt he breaks down some stereotypes arou
Provided by President Obama speaks on the unfolding situation in Egypt and calls for an end to violence. August 15, 2013.
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM In his weekly address, President Obama notes that while college education has never been more important, it has also never been more expensive, which is why he proposed major new reforms this week to make col
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Racism is over in America, at least that appears to be the belief of Fox News host Bill O'Reilly and Republican governor of Louisiana Bobby Jindal (who wrote an op-ed timed for the passing for the anniversary
8/26/13 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM The Obama administration toughened its criticism of Syria's alleged chemical weapons use, with Secretary of State John Kerry cutting his vacation short to address the crisis as the U.S. considers pos
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM President Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama, and former presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton arrive to the Lincoln Memorial to speak at the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington. Identity4Pop then pe
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM While President Obama seeks Congress' approval for military action in Syria, Writer at Large Sam Tanenhaus looks at earlier American presidents who worked to expand their powers.
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT President Obama discusses Labor Day and reflects on the contributions of the working men and women in our country.
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM In his weekly address, President Obama makes the case for limited and targeted military action to hold the Assad regime accountable for its violation of international norms prohibiting the use of chemical w
Dennis Rodman traveled to North Korea with VICE for the second time. At a press conference after his return Rodman defended the North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un, and continually referred to the Dictator as The Marshall. Rodman also had com
Published on Sep 13, 2013 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM As Russian and U.S. officials met Thursday on a potential Syria chemical weapons solution, many on the Hill where fuming over an op-ed by Vladimir Putin in The New York Times in
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Wall Street Journal contributing editor Garry Kasparov on his own experience with the Russian strongman, and lessons for President Obama. Photo: Getty Images.
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM President Obama says Syrian President Bashar Assad must take concrete actions to show he's serious about giving up his chemical weapons. He made the comments in his weekly radio and Internet address. (Sept
PROVIDED BY HTTP:// In his weekly address, President Obama says the economy is making progress five years after the worst recession since the Great Depression, but to avoid another crisis, Congress must meet two deadlines in the
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Cenk Uygur ( host of The Young Turks discusses President Barack Obama's speech in front of the business roundtable. President Obama begged the group to reign in the Republican
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM President Obama's groundbreaking phone conversation with President Hassan Rouhani of Iran came after a busy week in New York that prompted optimism, as well as suspicion.
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Stressing the desire for basic fairness for Americans under the Affordable Care Act, House Speaker John A. Boehner spoke to the media after Congress failed to avert a federal government shutdown.
Published on Mar 22, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM U.S. first lady Michelle Obama told students in China, which has some of the world's tightest restrictions on the Internet, that freedom of speech and unfettered access to informati
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM In this week's address, President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays. LIKE US HTTP://FACEBOOK.COM/CNNNEXT FOLLOW US HTTP://TWITTER.COM/CNNNEXT
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT In this week's address, President Obama discussed his meetings with members of Congress of both parties and the ongoing effort to reopen the government and remove the danger of default from our economy. The Pres
Published on Oct 15, 2013 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Senate leaders neared the completion Monday night of a bipartisan deal to raise the debt ceiling and end the government shutdown while the rest of the world braced for the possib
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM In this week's address, President Obama said that now that the Federal government is reopened and the threat of default is lifted from the economy, there are three places Washington can take action to serve t
Published on Oct 21, 2013 provided by As the government shutdown continues in its second week, Americans' biggest concern is now dysfunction in Washington - which has reached the highest rate in 74 years, a new pol
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM This week, the President announced his nominee for the next secretary of Homeland Security, spoke on the Affordable Care Act and Immigration Reform, and welcomed the Prime Minister of Pakistan and this year's
Published on Jul 3, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM President Obama stops by 1776, an incubator for all sorts of tech startups in Washington, D.C., and speaks on the economy, July 3, 2014.
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Here's the latest news for Friday, November 1: Food stamp benefits shrink; Obama meets Iraqi PM; Marijuana tax on Colorado ballot; looks for new faces.
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Welcome to the West Wing Week, your guide to everything that's happening with the President, Vice President, First Lady and Dr. Biden, at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, and beyond. This Halloween week, the Preside
Published on Nov 6, 2013 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama kicked off the resumption of East Wing and Executive Residence tours by surprising White House tour guests in the Blue Room.
PROVIDED BYHTTP://CNNNEXT.COM First Lady Michelle Obama and Dr. Biden encourage all Americans to take a moment this Veterans Day to thank a military service member or a veteran for his or her sacrifice to our country.
Published on Nov 9, 2013 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM In this week's address, President Obama commemorates Veterans Day Weekend by thanking the brave men and women who have worn this country's uniform. The President says he is proud o
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM In his weekly address, President Obama discusses progress in American energy and highlights that we are now producing more oil at home than we buy from other countries for the first time in nearly two decades
Published on May 5, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Five years after the Great Recession ended, the slow-paced recovery has sapped the ranks of America's middle class. The brutal recession's fallout is changin. More Americas See Mi
Published on May 6, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM President Obama welcomes guests to the White House for a reception to celebrate Cinco de Mayo. May 5, 2014.
Published on May 10, 2014 provided by The comments made by Cliven Bundy and Donald Sterling this month demonstrate that the U.S. is far from a colorblind society. And the reaction to their comments has drawn further at
Published on May 10, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM In this week's address, First Lady Michelle Obama honored all mothers on this upcoming Mother's Day and offered her thoughts, prayers and support in the wake of the unconscionable t
Published on May 11, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM President Obama wishes a happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there. He shares why First Lady Michelle Obama is the best mom he knows, how his mom and grandmother influenced
Published on May 28, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Michelle Obama's effort to provide healthier lunches to school children is getting some push back from House Republicans. GOP leaders believe the bill that would place limits on fat
Published on May 31, 2014 Weekly Address PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM In this week's address, President Obama discussed new actions by the Environmental Protection Agency to cut dangerous carbon pollution, a plan that builds on the
Published on Sep 16, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM President Barack Obama says the world is looking to the United States to address the deadly outbreak of Ebola in West Africa. The U.S. Department of Defense will send $500 million t
Published on Sep 22, 2014 After a five-week summer recess that President Obama mocked as a “vacation,” the House and Senate might only be in session for a handful of legislative days before lawmakers head home to campaign for the midterm
Published on Oct 5, 2014 The CIA is funding the ISIL terrorist group to “promote the Israeli agenda” and to complete the Project for the New American Century, the co-founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth says. ISIL terrorists in Syria an
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM A group of US lawmakers have asked the leader of the US House of Representatives to postpone a planned address by Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Congress next month. Nearly two dozen liberal De
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM host of The Young Turks discusses the Republican's plan to shutdown the Department of Homeland Security in protest of President Barack Obama's immigration reform plan. Cenk lays into the GOP. Do you agree? Tel
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM The divide between U.S. President Barack Obama, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appears to be growing larger. While both leaders have staked large parts of their political legacies on resolving I
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM A federal judge earlier blocked U.S. President Obama’s plans to allow more undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children and undocumented parents of U.S. citizens to remain in the U.S. without fear o
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM To celebrate Black History Month, the White House honored the courage and contributions of African Americans who came before us, and highlighted ways that the Obama administration has been working to empower c
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM The Young Turks discusses the looming shutdown of the Department of Homeland Security over debates of the DHS budget in the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives. Both Republicans and Democrats contin
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM The First Lady produced this public-service announcement to help launch the Campaign to Change Direction, a new nationwide campaign to raise awareness around mental health in America.
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM In this week's weekly address, President Obama discusses an issue close to his heart: education for adolescent girls around the world.
PROVIDED BY HTTP:///CNNNEXT.COM Published on Mar 7, 2015 It's been 50 years since a major landmark in the struggle for racial equality in the United States. On March 7th, 1965, a demonstration by civil rights campaigners in the U.S. state o
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COMrnPresident Obama signs S. 337: FOIA Improvement Act of 2016 and S. 2328: Puerto Rico Oversight, Management, and Economic Stability Act.
A man as thin skinned and vengeful as Trump can’t be trusted as President: Trump has written whole chapters of books that discuss how important it is to get revenge on people who cross him. If you trust a man who thinks like that with the F
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM 00:59 - “TPP Sale Echoes Broken NAFTA Promises.” Howard Nations will tell us how the Obama administration’s TPP sales pitch echoes the same empty promises that were used to sell NAFTA. #TPP 12:20 - “Progress
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Earlier this week forty-six United States Senators sent out a letter threatening Iran that despite what happens during current nuclear negotiations, the Senate will never ratify any treaty that they didn't li
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Published on Mar 14, 2015 In this week’s address, President Obama laid out his vision for quality, affordable higher education for all Americans.
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COMrnWeekly Address: Addressing Puerto Rico’s Economic CrisisrnWASHINGTON, DC — In this week's address, President Obama discussed the crippling economic crisis harming 3.5 million Americans in Puerto Rico. Today,
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Published on Mar 16, 2015 A number of former senators created and funded by the American Security Initiative, a defense contractor created the advertisement for a reported $500,000. The ad features a van that
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Published on Mar 20, 2015 A Bronx mom of two who called 911 to ask police to come talk to her young son about why stealing is bad was wrongfully arrested and told by an NYPD officer “you black b----es don’t k
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Published on Mar 20, 2015 Welcome to the West Wing Week, your guide to everything that's happening at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. This week, the President dropped by the new home of a wounded warrior, met with s
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Published on Mar 21, 2015 In this week’s address, the President called on Republicans in Congress to stop playing politics with law enforcement and national security and confirm Loretta Lynch as Attorney Gener
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Published on Mar 23, 2015 US Senator John McCain has threatened that the Senate may block any nuclear agreement with Iran. McCain said the senators will do everything in their power to make sure they do play
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Published on Mar 24, 2015 US media reports say Israel spied on closed-door talks over Iran's nuclear program involving the five members of the U-N Security Council and Germany, as part of efforts to build a ca
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Published on Mar 24, 2015 Fox News likes to ask the question, “Does Obama actually love America?” Sure, it’s a silly question, but it gets their base riled up over nothing. But recent activity by Congression
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Published on Mar 26, 2015 The Affordable Care Act, also called Obamacare, has been a hot button topic ever since it was written into law and now Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz decides to throw in his own s
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Published on Mar 28, 2015 In this week’s address, the President highlighted the progress made protecting American consumers since he signed Wall Street reform into law five years ago, including an important ne
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Published on Mar 28, 2015 Earlier this week, a bombshell news story erupted that claimed Israel leaked classified (and stolen) U.S. information to American lawmakers in an attempt to sabotage President Obama’s
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Published on Mar 30, 2015 In a recent interview with Playboy, former vice president Dick Cheney slammed President Obama, citing him as ‘the worst president of [his] lifetime.’ Ring of Fire’s Sam Seder and Ma
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Published on Apr 2, 2015 For five straight years, West Wing Week has produced more than 260 episodes covering the Presidency in a way that's never been done before. This week, we're throwing it a 5th birthday
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Published on Apr 6, 2015 President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama deliver remarks to welcome everyone to the 2015 White House Easter Egg Roll. April 6, 2015.
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Published on Apr 7, 2015 President Obama and Vice President Biden deliver remarks at the Easter Prayer Breakfast in the East Room of the White House. April 7, 2015
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Published on Apr 10, 2015 This week, the President made an important announcement about preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon, traveled west to champion high tech jobs in Louisville and clean energy
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Published on Apr 11, 2015 In this week's address, the Vice President laid out his and the President's plan to make two years of community college free for responsible students.