Published on Aug 29, 2014 A former US Senate candidate calls for a congressional investigation into the creation and funding of the ISIL terrorist group by the United States, Israel and Saudi Arabia. “The entire world knows that this IS France appears to have taken a step closer to military intervention in Mali. Following rebel consolidation of power in the north, its troops are on the move again, and threatening the entire country. They have
Published on Jan 28, 2014 Jan. 28 (Bloomberg) --- In an exclusive interview, Kleiner Perkins Caulfield & Byers Co-Founder Tom Perkins discusses his comments comparing the treatment of wealthy Americans to the persecution of Jews in Nazi Ge
Published on Feb 25, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM At an event in Kentucky, former President Bill Clinton references Ukraine during his remarks about midterm elections.
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Welcome to the West Wing Week, your guide to everything that's happening at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. This week, the President spoke on the importance of addressing economic mobility and supporting implementa
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Peter Wonacott reports on the reaction within South Africa and globally to the death of former South African President Nelson Mandela. Photo: Getty Images.
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM President Obama delivers remarks at the National Christmas Tree Lighting, and First Lady Michelle Obama reads T'was the Night Before Christmas. December 6, 2013.
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM In this week's address, President Obama says that before Congress leaves for vacation, they should extend unemployment benefits for 1.3 million hardworking Americans who will lose this lifeline at the end of
President Obama discusses how we will end the war in Afghanistan and how our goal of ensuring that al Qaeda never again uses Afghanistan to launch attacks against America is within reach.
The timing of Bill Richardson and Eric Schmidt's trip to North Korea took many by surprise, including the US State Department, which called it unhelpful . LinkAsia speaks with Andray Abrahamian, executive director of the NGO Choson Exchang
Thanks Citizens United! Published on May 11, 2015 When it comes to political influence, there aren’t many groups that wield more power than the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. They’ve stripped consumers of their rights, they’ve crippled labor un
Published on Mar 20, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Russian President Vladimir Putin has so far shrugged off the effect of western sanctions. But should the Ukraine crisis escalate further and lead to stronger measures - and response
Published on Jul 22, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM President Barack Obama signed a bipartisan bill Tuesday that overhauls federal training programs. The act aims at giving workers the skills needed to successfully compete in today's
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Published on Jun 21, 2015 The United States is trying to encircle Russia by pushing NATO right up to the country’s borders as well as establishing American military bases throughout Central Asia, says a politi
Published on Feb 25, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM President Obama says health insurance enrollment reaches 4 million and urges more Americans to sign up as the March 31st deadline approaches. (Feb. 25)
Published on Apr 2, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas threw the Mideast peace talks into question by signing nearly a dozen treaties. Abbas said he had no choice after the Israelis broke their promise
Published on May 8, 2014 Published on May 8, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM The Vatican has been summoned to appear before the United Nations Committee Against Torture. It is urged to present a report on its actions to prevent,
Published on Apr 6, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM A rash of new laws issued in Saudi Arabia aim to blot out all political dissent — and in one case defines atheists as terrorists. The series of laws began in January of 2014. At the
President Obama faces an uphill battle with Congress over the issue of gun control. Dana Bash report
Published on Jan 23, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM LIKE US HTTP://TWITTER.COM/CNNNEXT The Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board concluded the National Security Agency's bulk phone metadata program is illegal, according a repo
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM In this week's address, President Obama calls 2014 a year of action, which should start with Congress quickly passing emergency unemployment insurance for the 1.3 million Americans who lost this vital lifelin
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM In this week's address, President Obama says Congress should act to extend emergency unemployment insurance for more than one million Americans who have lost this vital economic lifeline while looking for a j
Published on Aug 22, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Deputy State Department Spokeswoman Marie Harf said approximately 12-thousand foreigners from at least 50 countries, have joined the insurgency in Syria. She said a number of Americ
Published on Mar 22, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM In this week's address, President Obama highlights the importance of making sure our economy rewards the hard work of every American -- including America's women.
Published on Mar 22, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM China dismissed a U.N. report alleging North Korea has committed crimes against humanity on Monday, effectively confirming the fears of human rights advocates that Beijing will shi
CNN's Anderson Cooper talks to New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg about President Obama's gun control proposal.
This week, President Hamid Karzai came to the White House, as did nine newly posted foreign ambassadors and the President held the final news conference of his first term before initiating 23 separate executive actions to prevent gun violen
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM The President comments on the Senate's vote to take up a bill that would extend long-term unemployment benefits. LIKE US HTTP://FACEBOOK.COM/CNNNEXT FOLLOW US HTTP://TWITTER.COM/CNNNEXT
Published on Apr 25, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM In a display of unity against North Korea's provocations, President Barack Obama and South Korean President Park Geun-hye warned Pyongyang that it could face tougher sanctions if it
President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama speak at a service event at Burrville Elementary School. January 19, 2013.
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Published on Mar 23, 2016 Meet the cuentapropistas—Cuban entrepreneurs—who told President Obama their stories in Havana. Learn how they're changing the way their country works:
Published on Jul 17, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM President Vladimir Putin on Thursday lamented the latest round of U.S. sanctions against Russia, saying they will stalemate bilateral relations and hurt not only Russian but also
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Published on May 23, 2015 The Jade Helm Conspiracy has gotten tens of millions of Republicans paranoid that Obama plans to invade the Southwest. Now this sounds like bad news possible for Obama, possibly for
Published on Jan 21, 2013 President Barack Obama delivers his inaugural address after being sworn in for a second term.
Follow us on TWITTER: Like us on FACEBOOK: The Diaoyu Islands dispute heats up as both China and Japan military aircrafts confronted each other earlier this
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Published on May 20, 2015 Ring of Fire hosts Mike Papantonio and Farron Cousins discuss what is known about the TPP, and the widening rift between Senator Elizabeth Warren and President Obama on the issue.
Published on Feb 10, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM LIKE US HTTP://FACEBOOK.COM/CNNNEXT A group of federal prosecutors is criticizing the Department of Justice's support for legislation that would soften U.S. drug sentencing polici A frustratingly slow recovery in developed nations is holding back the global economy, according to the World Bank. It has dramatically cut its outlook for 2013 and warned that developing countries could suffer f
Published on Nov 19, 2013 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Fed up with the news that your tax dollars are being diverted from legitimate women's health programs and into bullshit crisis pregnancy centers? Well, you're not alone! From
Published on Jun 11, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM At the first-ever White House Tumblr Q&A, President Obama answers the question Where Do You See Yourself in 10 Years?
PROVIDED BY NINJA MAN Published on May 23, 2015 In this week’s address, the President commemorated Memorial Day by paying tribute to the men and women in uniform who have given their lives in service to our country.
Published on Apr 11, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM While addressing a children's rights group at the Vatican, Pope Francis said he felt compelled to personally ask for forgiveness for the damage done by abusive priests. Francis said
Published on Jan 24, 2013 Jan. 24 (Bloomberg) -- Bloomberg's Matthew G. Miller discusses the main concerns of the billionaires visiting Davos. He speaks from the World Economic Forum in Davos on Bloomberg Television's Countdown. provi
Published on Jan 25, 2013 Secretary of State Clinton and President Obama discuss their working relationship during a 60 Minutes interview.
Published on Feb 1, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM LIKE US HTTP://FACEBOOK.COM/CNNNEXT In this week's address, the President discusses the goals he laid out in the State of the Union address to expand opportunity for all so that eve
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM This week, the White House honored those lost at Sandy Hook on the one year anniversary. The President met with newly elected mayors and executives from America's leading technology companies, discussed the b
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM The American Studies Association has endorsed a boycott of Israeli academic institutions over violation of international law and UN resolutions. In an election that attracted more than 12-hundred voters,
For more news coverage go to: A federal appeals court ruled President Obama's appointments to the National Labor Relations Board made during a congressional recess were unconstitutional. Hari Sreenivasan talk
1/26/2013 President Obama discusses his nomination of Mary Jo White to lead the Securities and Exchange Commission and Richard Cordray to continue as Direc
Published on Mar 17, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM March 17 (Bloomberg) --- Bloomberg's Eric Chemi shows us how some Wall Street big shots are filling out their March Madness brackets. He speaks to Stephanie Ruhle and Matt Miller o
Published on Jan 28, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM LIKE US HTTP://FACEBOOK.COM/CNNNEXT In his annual State of the Union address, President Barack Obama urged legislators across the country to raise the minimum wage, saying no on
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Published on Jul 21, 2015 Gianno Caldwell, Caldwell Strategic Consulting & Ari Rabin-Havt, The Agenda-SiriusXM Progress 127/The Benghazi Hoax & Dr. Day Gardner, National Black Pro-Life Union/National Clergy Co
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Published on Jul 24, 2015 A coalition of Democrats in both the House and the Senate have introduced legislation that would raise the federal minimum wage by the largest margin in history. Led by Bernie Sander
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Published on Jul 24, 2015 During the 2015 Beating the Odds Summit at the White House, President Obama dropped by to surprise the students and other attendees. The summit focused on sharing tools and strategi
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Published on Jul 21, 2015 The ink didn’t even have time to dry on the draft of the nuclear deal between the U.S., Iran, and 5 of our closest allied countries before the Republican presidential candidates began
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM This week, we will be celebrating the season by taking you behind the scenes as the White House is transformed into a yuletide masterpiece with the help of volunteers from across the country. We will also sto
Published on Apr 20, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Russian President Vladimir Putin and Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev were among thousands of people who packed the Christ the Savior Cathedral in Moscow Saturday evening for a servic
1/28/13 President Obama welcomed the 2011-2012 NBA Champion Miami Heat to the White House.
1/28/13 President Barack Obama honored the Miami Heat for winning the 2012 NBA championship.
1/28/13 Erin Burnett discusses President Obama's admission of Skeet shooting. Will it help him with gun supporters?
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Published on Oct 15, 2015 The President and First Lady hosted music legends and top gospel artists at the White House for the latest installment of “In Performance at the White House.”
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Published on May 15, 2015 Recently, Mitch McConnell introduced legislation that would extend some of the worst parts of the Patriot Act until the year 2020. The parts of the law being extended include the pro
Published on Aug 12, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM The United States conducted a new round of air strikes against Islamic State militants in northern Iraq on Sunday and moved some U.S. diplomats out of its consulate in Arbil as Rep
Published on Jun 28, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM The United Nations is under mounting pressure to condemn Israel's ongoing military crackdown on Palestinians in its search for three missing settlers. A number of UN member state
Published on Jun 29, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Wisconsin insurance executive and Republican donor was charged with voting illegally more than a dozen times in four elections. The Journal-Sentinel reported that 50-year-old Rob
PUBLISHED ON JUNE 29, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Hardball with Chris Matthews Democrats need Georgia in order to win the Senate Seat, Why are many African Americans not voting at all in the Georgia? Can democrats turn Geor
Published on Sep 12, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM President Barack Obama and former President Bill Clinton joined forces Friday to mark the 20th anniversary of the AmeriCorps national service program, heralding the impact that volu
Published on Aug 16, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Members of Congress are getting paid more than $2,000 for every bill they pass. The chart below -- assembled by the Washington Post, based on data from the Congressional Research
Published on Dec 10, 2013 provided by Technology giants in the US have written an open letter to President Obama urging him to make tighter controls on surveillance. The spying scandal involving the US National Securi
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM President Obama made the case for changes in immigration policy in a speech in San Francisco during which a man heckled him.
Published on Jan 31, 2013 Jan. 31 (Bloomberg) -- Bloomberg's Scarlet Fu reports that haChinese hackers are said to have attacked the New York Times over the course of four months, coinciding with the publication of a story on the accumu
1/31/13 CNN's Anderson Cooper talks with a former NRA president about the NRA's changed position on background checks.
Published on Jul 9, 2014 President Barack Obama held a press conference in Dallas Wednesday after meeting with Texas Gov. Rick Perry on the immigration crisis. He responded to Republican calls for him to visit the Texas-Mexico border say
2/2/13 In this week's address, President Obama calls on Congress to work together on a balanced approach to reduce our deficit and promote economic growth and job creation.
This week, the President announced his choice for his new Chief of Staff, pushed for comprehensive immigration reform, and invited the Boys and Girls Club Youth of the Year, Presidential Innovation Fellows, law enforcement officials, 60 Mi
Published on Aug 30, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM In this week’s address, the President wished Americans a Happy Labor Day weekend, highlighted the important economic progress we’ve made, and reaffirmed his commitment to accelerate
Published on Jan 26, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM LIKE US HTTP://FACEBOOK.COM/CNNNEXT Every year on the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday, we hear snippets of his eloquent I have a Dream speech and see televised scenes from that d
Former President Donald Trump is back on the campaign trail stumping for Republican candidates who will be on the ballot this November. Amna Nawaz and Lisa Desjardins discuss his latest rally in Wilmington, North Carolina where Trump is sup
Published on Jun 7, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM WEEKLY In this week's address, President Obama underscored the importance of helping to lift the burden of crushing student loan debt faced by too many Americans and highlighted th
Published on Aug 2, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Despite the rain, well over seven thousand people gathered near Columbus Circle on the upper west side of Manhattan to protest Israel's crimes. The protest began in front of the hea
Published on Mar 24, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM A court in Egypt on Monday sentenced to death 529 supporters of ousted Islamist President Mohammed Morsi on charges of murdering a policeman and attacking police, in one of the larg
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM The U.S. conclusion that a chemical attack near Damascus in August was carried out by the government has been challenged by a team of highly respected experts. Washington immediately blamed President Assad, b
Published on Jan 16, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Weighing national security and privacy concerns in the months since Edward Snowden leaked a trove of National Security Agency classified documents, President Barack Obama is expecte
2/4/13 At a press conference with the Minneapolis Police Department in Minneapolis Feb. 4, 2013, President Barack Obama called for action by way of a set of commonsense ideas to reduce gun violence, including universal background checks
Published on Feb 15, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM LIKE US HTTP://FACEBOOK.COM/CNNNEXT This week, President Obama took action to lift more workers' wages by requiring that federal contractors pay their employees a fair wage of at l
2/4/13 Sen. Bob Menendez of New Jersey speaks exclusively with CNN's Dana Bash about the allegations of free flights for sex parties.
Published on Mar 14, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM A United Nations investigator says the state of human rights in Iran - where hundreds of political prisoners remain in detention - is of serious concern .
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Welcome to the West Wing Week, your guide to everything that's happening at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. This week, the President repeatedly called for Congress to extend Emergency Unemployment Insurance for mor
Published on Apr 27, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM While in Malaysia, President Obama answers a question regarding Donald Sterling's alleged racist comments.
2/7/13 John Brennan, President Obama's nominee to head the CIA, faced tough questioning during his first confirmation hearing, defending his positions on intelligence policy and drone warfare. Congressional correspondent Kwame Holman recap
Published on Apr 26, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM President Barack Obama warned North Korea on Saturday that the United States will not hesitate to use our military might to defend allies. (April 26)
Published on Apr 4, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM This week, the President wrapped up a six day trip to Europe and Saudi Arabia, spoke on the success of the first open enrollment period of the Affordable Care Act, traveled to Michig
2/8/13 President Obama delivers remarks at a farewell tribute for outgoing Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta. February 8, 2013.
2/9/13 President Obama urges Congress to act to avoid a series of harmful and automatic cuts—called a sequester—from going into effect that would hurt our economy and the middle class and threaten thousands of American jobs.
2/9/13 The White House has been hard at work on the 2013 State of the Union address and when President Obama addresses the nation, we'll broadcast an online-only enhanced version of the address with graphics, data, and useful stats that wi
Alicia Keys - Obama Is On Fire Performance 2013 Commander in Chief Inauguration Ball... Alicia Keys performance at the 2013 Presidential Inauguration swearing in President Obama. This is an altered rendition of Alicia's piece -Girl on Fire
Published on Aug 14, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM The President comments on the situation in Ferguson, Missouri, after the police shooting of teenager Michael Brown. stating that Law Enforcement Should Not arrest you for protest i
Published on Jul 13, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM The U-S-based, Save the Children, says mental health of Palestinian kids is being jeopardized by relentless Israeli airstrikes. It says bombardments have made it impossible for ps
Published on Apr 28, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM President Obama began his joint press conference in Manila by offering his condolences to the victims of the central US tornadoes. Obama urged residents that FEMA would be on the gr
Published on Jul 22, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Kobe Bryant speaks with Bloomberg's Jon Erlichman about his upcoming Showtime documentary Kobe Bryant's Muse. Bryant also discusses his plans beyond basketball and the process o