Claiming victory, House Speaker John Boehner hailed the House vote Friday to derail 'Obamacare' but continue funding the government. Boehner called President Barack Obama's health care law 'a trainwreck,' that is 'hurting the American peop
PROVIDED BY HTTP:// In his weekly address, President Obama says the economy is making progress five years after the worst recession since the Great Depression, but to avoid another crisis, Congress must meet two deadlines in the
Published on Sep 21, 2013 PROVIDED BY HTTP:CNNNEXT.COM The president claims republicans are trying to mess with him.
PROVIDED BY HTTP;//CNNNEXT.COM A Connecticut mother has filed a human rights complaint against the Hartford school system after her daughter was made to participate in a slavery reenactment that included a nighttime raid in which studen
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Cenk Uygur ( host of The Young Turks discusses President Barack Obama's speech in front of the business roundtable. President Obama begged the group to reign in the Republican
Provided by htttp:// President Barack Obama on Sunday memorialized the victims of the Washington Navy Yard shooting by calling for a transformation in the nation's gun laws to address an epidemic of gun violence, saying, There'
Published on Sep 24, 2013 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM President Barack Obama urges Security Council action on Syrian chemical weapons ban and welcomes signs of new Iranian government's 'more moderate course' in UN address. (Sept. 24)
provided by Islamabad Pakistan A powerful earthquake in Pakistan has not only cost dozens of lives it also prompted the appearance of a small island off the coast, Pakistani officials said. The 7.8 magnitude quake struck
Published on Sep 26, 2013 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM President Barack Obama promotes his health care law before new insurance exchanges open next week. The president says congressional critics of the 3-year-old health care law have
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM The Senate has approved a bill to avert a government shutdown in a few days, now the focus turns to the House. This time, President Barack Obama says, he's not budging. (Sept. 27)
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM In this week's address, President Obama says that on October 1, a big part of the Affordable Care Act will go live and give uninsured Americans the chance to buy the same quality, affordable health care as ev
Sept. 30 (Bloomberg) -- Bloomberg White House correspondent Julianna Goldman and Bloomberg view columnist Al Hunt examine President Obama's role in the political battle over a government shutdown, which side gets the blame if it happens and
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM President Obama's groundbreaking phone conversation with President Hassan Rouhani of Iran came after a busy week in New York that prompted optimism, as well as suspicion.
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM In response to an impending government shutdown, President Barack Obama said on Monday that it could be prevented if the House follows suit with the Senate and funds the government without controversial deman
Published on Mar 22, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM More than 5,000 pro-Russia residents of a major city in Ukraine's east demonstrated on Saturday in support of Viktor Yanukovych, the Ukrainian president who fled to Russia in Februa
Published on Mar 22, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM U.S. first lady Michelle Obama told students in China, which has some of the world's tightest restrictions on the Internet, that freedom of speech and unfettered access to informati
Published on Oct 1, 2013 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM President Barack Obama is hailing a historic day for uninsured Americans who now can purchase health care coverage through new insurance exchanges. He says the opportunity is
Published on Oct 1, 2013 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM At the United Nations General Assembly in New York, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered an extensive criticism of what he calls Iran's nuclear weapons program. The
Published on Oct 2, 2013 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Dana Holmes says her civil rights were violated when she was unlawfully strip-searched. WHEN WILL IT END, WHY, WHY, WHY, WE SEE COPS RAPE, KILL, ROB, AND STILL NO JUSTICE
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT In this week's address, President Obama discussed his meetings with members of Congress of both parties and the ongoing effort to reopen the government and remove the danger of default from our economy. The Pres
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Oct. 14 (Bloomberg) --- Bloomberg's David Ingles reports on China criticizing the U.S. over the political deadlock, calling for a new reserve currency. He speaks to Susan Li on Bloomberg Television's First
Published on Oct 15, 2013 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Senate leaders neared the completion Monday night of a bipartisan deal to raise the debt ceiling and end the government shutdown while the rest of the world braced for the possib
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Published on Dec 19, 2015 In this week's address, the President celebrated the end of the year tradition of list-making with a year-in-review list of his own.
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM In this week's address, President Obama said that now that the Federal government is reopened and the threat of default is lifted from the economy, there are three places Washington can take action to serve t
Published on Oct 21, 2013 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM The president addresses Obamacare website issues people have experienced when trying to sign up for health insurance.
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM This week, the President announced his nominee for the next secretary of Homeland Security, spoke on the Affordable Care Act and Immigration Reform, and welcomed the Prime Minister of Pakistan and this year's
Published on Oct 26, 2013 In this week's address, President Obama discusses the launch of the Health Insurance Marketplace for the Affordable Care Act, which gives millions of Americans the opportunity to have access to affordable and re
Published on Oct 27, 2013 Provided by The Federalist Papers published in New York City; President Theodore Roosevelt is born; Egypian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin win Nobel Peace Pri
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM The NSA is denying German media reports that in 2010, President Obama knew that Angela Merel's phone was being monitored.
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM The president said at an installation ceremony for the new FBI director Monday afternoon he picked James Comey based on his character. (Oct. 28) corruption
Published on Jul 4, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM President Obama highlighted the importance of immigration reform during an Independence Day citizenship ceremony at the White House for 25 members of the U.S. Armed Forces. (July 4
Published on Mar 8, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) asserted on Thursday that liberals did not understand that kids who got free lunches at school did not have parents who cared about them at home. Speaking t
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Assistant to the President David Simas talks about the benefits of the Affordable Care Act for young Americans. A report from the Department of Health and Human Services shows that half of single young adult
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Retro Report: When President Nixon signed the National Cancer Act many expected quick results, comparing the effort to the one that put man on the moon. After 42 years, what progress have we made? Follow o
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Tens of thousands of protestors packed the streets outside the former U.S. Embassy in Tehran in the biggest anti-American rally in years, a show of support for hard-line opponents of President Hassan Rouhani'
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM A new book on the 2012 presidential campaign claims that President Barack Obama told aides that he is really good at killing people. According to Mark Halperin and John Heilemann, the authors of Double Dow
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry held separate meetings with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in the West Bank town of Bethlehem in an attempt
Published on September 10, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM The U.S. President is to give a speech on Wednesday which will finally reveal his plan to fight the Islamic State militant group. RT talks to former Pentagon official Michael
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM This week, the President worked to help consumers learn about and enroll in quality, affordable health insurance plans through the Marketplaces, welcomed Iraq's Prime Minister, hosted the Stanley Cup Champion
PROVIDED BYHTTP://CNNNEXT.COM First Lady Michelle Obama and Dr. Biden encourage all Americans to take a moment this Veterans Day to thank a military service member or a veteran for his or her sacrifice to our country.
Published on Nov 9, 2013 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM In this week's address, President Obama commemorates Veterans Day Weekend by thanking the brave men and women who have worn this country's uniform. The President says he is proud o
Published on Nov 12, 2013 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM The First Lady and Dr. Biden recorded a video honoring women veterans who were celebrated at this year's annual Glamour Women of the Year Awards, which occurred on Veterans Day.
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEX.COM The president acknowledged the failures of the health care rollout in a news conference.
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM In his weekly address, President Obama discusses progress in American energy and highlights that we are now producing more oil at home than we buy from other countries for the first time in nearly two decades
Published on May 1, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM President George W. Bush announces major combat has ended in Iraq; U2 spy plane shot down over Soviet Union; Empire State Building dedicated. (May 1)
Published on May 3, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM President Obama turns comedian at the annual White House Correspondents Dinner. Obama took time to poke fun at himself and celebrities at the star-studded event. (May 4)
Published on May 6, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM President Obama welcomes guests to the White House for a reception to celebrate Cinco de Mayo. May 5, 2014.
Published on May 7, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM While speaking to CBS Chicago station WBBM's meteorologist Megan Glaros, President Obama explained his concern with Boko Haram, calling it one of the worst regional or local terrori
Published on May 10, 2014 provided by The comments made by Cliven Bundy and Donald Sterling this month demonstrate that the U.S. is far from a colorblind society. And the reaction to their comments has drawn further at
Published on May 11, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM President Obama wishes a happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there. He shares why First Lady Michelle Obama is the best mom he knows, how his mom and grandmother influenced
Published on May 28, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM In a broad defense of his foreign policy, President Barack Obama declared that the U.S. remains the world's most indispensable nation, even after a long season of war, but argued
Published on May 30, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Welcome to the West Wing Week, your guide to everything that's happening at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, and beyond. This week, the President nominated two new Cabinet Secretaries, hon
Published on May 31, 2014 Weekly Address PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM In this week's address, President Obama discussed new actions by the Environmental Protection Agency to cut dangerous carbon pollution, a plan that builds on the
Published on Jun 2, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas swore in a unity government on Monday, taking a major step toward ending a crippling territorial and political split with the rival Hamas militant
Published on Jun 3, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM President Obama discusses Russian President Vladimir Putin and the relationship between the U.S. and Russia.
Published on Jun 5, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM President Obama discusses his decision to recover Sergeant Bowe Bergdahl from captivity at a press conference in Brussels.
Published on Sep 16, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM A group of anti-war protesters caused multiple interruptions as Sec. of Defense Chuck Hagel and Army Gen. Martin Dempsey appeared before the Senate Armed Services Committee to defen
Published on Sep 16, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM President Barack Obama says the world is looking to the United States to address the deadly outbreak of Ebola in West Africa. The U.S. Department of Defense will send $500 million t
Published on Sep 18, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM On Tuesday, Gen. Martin Dempsey told Congress that US allies in the Middle East are funding and arming the Islamic State. Qatar, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia are thought to be the main s
Published on Sep 18, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Cop Caught on Camera Savagely Beating His Girlfriend- Has Not Been Arrested. An example of CHARLOTTE COUNTY FLORIDA SHERIFF CORRUPTION: Why is it OK for a black man to go to jail fo
Published on Sep 19, 2014 This week, the President celebrated the 20th anniversary of AmeriCorps, awarded the Medal of Honor to two American heroes, detailed U.S. efforts to combat the outbreak of Ebola in West Africa at the CDC in Atlanta
Published on Sep 20, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM The Latin American Association of Jurists along with a group of Argentine lawyers has decided to take Israel to a federal court under the charges of crimes against humanity and geno
Published on Sep 20, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM In this week’s address, the President thanked Congress for its strong bipartisan support for efforts to train and equip Syrian opposition forces to fight ISIL.
Published on Sep 22, 2014 After a five-week summer recess that President Obama mocked as a “vacation,” the House and Senate might only be in session for a handful of legislative days before lawmakers head home to campaign for the midterm
Published on Sep 22, 2014 PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM I saw another one of those commentaries where the Democratic talking head is explaining how difficult it is for a Democrat to win down in the new Republican south. Reorganization id
Published on Sep 22, 2014 President Barack Obama became the seventh president to sign the America's Promise Summit Declaration. He was joined by former Secretary of State Collin Powell, the founding chairman of the organization. (Sept. 2
Published on Sep 23, 2014 Addressing the U.N. Climate Summit on Tuesday, President Barack Obama said the United States accepts responsibility for its part in climate change and will lead the way in doing something about it. He said the U
Published on Sep 26, 2014 President Obama addressed 44 nations gathered at the White House for the Global Health Security Agenda Summit on September 26, 2014.
Published on Sep 27, 2014 In this week’s address, the President reiterated the forceful and optimistic message of American leadership that he delivered in his speech before the United Nations General Assembly earlier this week.
Published on Oct 4, 2014 In this week’s address, the President highlighted that six years after the Great Recession, thanks to the hard work of the American people and the President’s policies, our economy has come back further and faste
Published on Oct 5, 2014 The CIA is funding the ISIL terrorist group to “promote the Israeli agenda” and to complete the Project for the New American Century, the co-founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth says. ISIL terrorists in Syria an
provided by U.S. President Barack Obama has assured Muslims at home and abroad that the U.S. isn’t at war with their faith. His remarks come in a speech discussing the efforts to combat violent extremism. He stressed that
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM A group of US lawmakers have asked the leader of the US House of Representatives to postpone a planned address by Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Congress next month. Nearly two dozen liberal De
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Wisconsin governor Scott Walker is sadly, one of the brightest stars in the Republican Party, and he has very clear ambitions to run for President in the near future. But before he hits the national stage, he
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM In this week’s address, the President underscored the importance of continuing to grow our economy and support good-paying jobs for our workers by opening up new markets for American goods and services.
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM A lawsuit against Comcast, Time Warner Cable Inc., Rev. Al Sharpton and the NAACP alleges that the media companies discriminated against black-owned businesses and paid activists like Sharpton to “whitewash”
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM As Syria’s civil war has raged over the past four years, more than a million refugees have fled into neighboring Lebanon. The Bekaa Valley, which serves as the main passageway between Damascus and Beirut, is n
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM host of The Young Turks discusses the Republican's plan to shutdown the Department of Homeland Security in protest of President Barack Obama's immigration reform plan. Cenk lays into the GOP. Do you agree? Tel
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM In this week’s address, the President reiterated his commitment to middle-class economics, and to ensuring that all hard-working Americans get the secure and dignified retirement they deserve.
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM The divide between U.S. President Barack Obama, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appears to be growing larger. While both leaders have staked large parts of their political legacies on resolving I
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM A federal judge earlier blocked U.S. President Obama’s plans to allow more undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children and undocumented parents of U.S. citizens to remain in the U.S. without fear o
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM A court of appeals ruled Thursday that a New York Police Department officer who told his supervisors about an illegal quota system was protected by the First Amendment and may continue to sue the city for wha
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Heavy wind and snowfall did not deter a crowd of protesters, who gathered to denounce the upcoming speech to the US Congress by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The protesters assembled outside the
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM President Barack Obama said Monday that the deaths of unarmed black men in Missouri and New York show that law enforcement needs to change practices to build trust in minority communities. (March 2)
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM The police warehouse 'black site' at the epicentre of public outcry over allegations of abuse and withheld rights is the site of a major demonstration Saturday. Military veterans, local organisers and supporte
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM The Young Turks discusses the looming shutdown of the Department of Homeland Security over debates of the DHS budget in the U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives. Both Republicans and Democrats contin
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Bob Woodward talks about Benjamin Netanyahu's speech about Iran's nuclear program. Woodward says the action is with the president and he needs to make a clear decision. A panel then joins to discuss. » Sub
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM New York City has confirmed its first case of a baby born with the Zika virus. A dozen babies have been born in the US with Zika-linked birth defects thus far. This total doesn’t count abortions or miscarriage
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM In this week's weekly address, President Obama discusses an issue close to his heart: education for adolescent girls around the world.
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Targeting stagnant wages in an otherwise improving economy, President Barack Obama is calling on employers, educational institutions and local governments to ramp up training and hiring of high-technology. (Ma
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM The director of the student group who called out University of Oklahoma’s Sigma Alpha Epsilon (SAE) fraternity speaks to ABC News about the video which surfaced over the weekend. The video, which surfaced ove
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Earlier this week forty-six United States Senators sent out a letter threatening Iran that despite what happens during current nuclear negotiations, the Senate will never ratify any treaty that they didn't li
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COMrnWeekly Address: Addressing Puerto Rico’s Economic CrisisrnWASHINGTON, DC — In this week's address, President Obama discussed the crippling economic crisis harming 3.5 million Americans in Puerto Rico. Today,
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Published on Mar 16, 2015 A number of former senators created and funded by the American Security Initiative, a defense contractor created the advertisement for a reported $500,000. The ad features a van that
Provided by http://cnnnext.comrnU.S. President Barack Obama holds up a Denver Broncos jersey presented to him as a gift by Annabel Bowlen (R), wife of Broncos majority owner Pat Bowlen, while welcoming the National Football League Super Bow
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Published on Mar 16, 2015 Syria’s conflict enters its fifth year on Sunday, becoming a growing humanitarian crisis. Rights groups are accusing the international community of “failing Syria”. According to the B
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Published on Mar 18, 2015 One of the only things that the Republican Party actually excels at is telling the American public WHAT they need to be afraid of. At the heart of all of their messaging is FEAR. Th
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Published on Mar 20, 2015 Welcome to the West Wing Week, your guide to everything that's happening at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. This week, the President dropped by the new home of a wounded warrior, met with s
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Published on Mar 20, 2015 Charlie Sheen -- and anyone else who's mad at President Obama for filling out an NCAA tournament bracket -- is really just an old fashioned racist ... so says Charles Barkley.
PROVIDED BY HTTP://CNNNEXT.COM Published on Mar 21, 2015 In this week’s address, the President called on Republicans in Congress to stop playing politics with law enforcement and national security and confirm Loretta Lynch as Attorney Gener