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  • Uploaded 12 years ago in the category Movies And Documentaries

    JewishHistory.org Faith and Fate is a documentary telling the story of the Jews in the 20th Century.

    The first Episode is called, "The Dawn of the Century&


    JewishHistory.org Faith and Fate is a documentary telling the story of the Jews in the 20th Century.

    The first Episode is called, "The Dawn of the Century" and covers 1900 - 1910.

    This episode introduces the uniqueness of Jewish history in the 20th century within the context of world history.

    At the turn of the 20th century, Jews were scattered across the globe, representing only ¼ of one percent of the worlds population.

    It was a time of empires, imperial rule and colonial expansionism.

    In Russia the masses, including the Jews, lived in dire poverty which was compounded by grassroots antisemitism.

    In 1905 the Russian masses revolted and there was a general strike.

    On Bloody Sunday the Czar responded with force.

    The Czar did not abdicate until 1917, which is typically the date given for the second Russian Revolution, which, in turn, led to increased pogroms against the Jews.

    The pogroms and the economic conditions forced approximately 40% of Jewish population to leave the Russian Empire and go to Western countries including the United States and to Palestine and other countries as far away as South Africa and Australia.

    Emigration and the Enlightenment presented Jews with the dilemma and opportunity to maintain or reject their traditional Jewish upbringing, and many decided to forgo their traditional Judaism and blend in with their larger non-Jewish society.

    Within the traditional Jewish world, change was occurring as well, with the rise and acceptance of the Mussar ...

  • # Jews
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