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Indian in the machine - HAARP, Weather war, EMF Mind Control, over Saskatoon Oct 13, 2010

  • Uploaded 12 years ago in the category Haarp Weather machine

    On October 13, 2010 Saskatchewan experienced yet another attack from HAARP on our weather and psyches.

    Currently there are several psychotronic weapons being u


    On October 13, 2010 Saskatchewan experienced yet another attack from HAARP on our weather and psyches.

    Currently there are several psychotronic weapons being used against humanity....education of this, is very important right now as technology like HAARP or GWEN affect all life.

    Tell me, has humanity gone far enough, where you too, are willing to take action and support the existing actions of your community's freedom fighters?

    Support the independent research of Saskatoon scientist Dieter Braun by making a donation.


    Other Saskatchewan freedom fighter website



  • # Haarp Weather machine
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