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JEWS HATE BLACKS: No thanks for protecting Israel though huh?

  • Uploaded 12 years ago in the category middle east news

    Theres nothing I hate worse than a people that Blame the world for anti-semetism, and yet they hate anyone who doesnt believe how they believe.

    They own all of


    Theres nothing I hate worse than a people that Blame the world for anti-semetism, and yet they hate anyone who doesnt believe how they believe.

    They own all of the banks, the media, and soon the military.

    they are entrenched in politics, and Lied about the Holocaust.

    All they can do is bad mouth people.

    They bad mouth Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, but there is such DECADENCE for the jewish light.

    And these are the people we are protecting in ISRAEL, while they murder helpless Palestinians and Africans.

  • # (jews invading muslims)
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