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    Jay-Z interview 2012 in a new Obama voting ad!

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    Jay-Z interview 2012 in a new Obama voting ad!

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    President Obama has been busy releasing a variety of promotional videos, encouraging people everywhere to register to vote.

    He's also been using his celebrity friends to lend their name and help spread the word, with Jay-Z being the most recent among them.

    But before I go any further, check this out:

    00-:20, 1:13- 1:25

    Also in the video, we see clips of Obama from Jay-Z's "Made in America" musical festival.

    He explains his personal definition of "Promise in America," which is, "...no matter what you look like or where you come from, you can make it if you try.

    Jay-Z did.

    He didn't come from power or privilege.

    He got ahead because he worked hard, learned from his mistakes and just plain refused to quit."

    To check out the full ad, and others from Ricky Martin, Jane Lynch, and Ashley Judd, click the link below in the description box.

    Till then, let me know if Jay-z has motivated you to get out there and vote in this election, and let me know if you agree with what he said about Obama.

    Use the comments below to voice your opinions, and make sure to click SUBSCRIBE before you go!

    ClevverNews keeps you up to speed on the top entertainment and pop culture headlines.

    Hosted, Produced, and Written By: Deidre Behar

    Watch Full Commercial: www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPa76DrWiUE

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