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Can you live FREE of IRS fear and tyranny - Peymon Mottahedeh

  • Uploaded 12 years ago in the category

    President and Founder of Freedom Law School is an Iranian, Jewish-born Immigrant, now an American Citizen, who despite having a four year University Degree, fou


    President and Founder of Freedom Law School is an Iranian, Jewish-born Immigrant, now an American Citizen, who despite having a four year University Degree, found himself ignorant of his rights as an American Citizen.

    Peymon decided to educate and empower himself by seeking this knowledge.

    Peymon's self-study of the law lead him to create Freedom Law School in 1996 so that he could assist others in living a FREE life.

    Peymon will share how YOU can live FREE of IRS harassment and robbery NOW with knowledge, preparation and support and join with others to take back America from the clutches of the big banks, corporations and their politicians!

    Freedom Law School

    Host: Peymon Mottahedeh

  • # US Income Tax is Illegal# IRS is Illegal
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