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Reason One for putting Ron Paul in the White House

  • Uploaded 12 years ago in the category complete Amendment Rights

    This video is titled "Reason One for putting Ron Paul in the White House." But, truth be told, there is only one reason: Ron Paul is the only candid


    This video is titled "Reason One for putting Ron Paul in the White House." But, truth be told, there is only one reason: Ron Paul is the only candidate dedicated to following the Constitution, regardless of what befalls.

    Every other candidate still in the race has either indicated or shown by their actions that they are willing to subvert the Constitution if they feel the situation warrants it.

    This will not do.

    Their oaths are to support and uphold the Constitution.


    There are no caveats, no loopholes, no escape clauses in the oath.

    And, to my way of thinking, anyone who would contemplate breaching their sacred oath is a willfully perjured individual, void of all moral worth and unfit to hold this or any other office in the United States.

    Over the next few weeks I will be posting videos entitled "Reason 'X' for putting Ron Paul in the White House." These videos will show recent evidence of how far the US has declined from where, until I started really looking last year, I actually thought we were.

    It's disturbing to note that what I have been seeing since then shows that we are perilously close to a total police state, run by a corporate fascist elite.

    What happens this year at the polls may be more important than at any time since the colonial legislatures voted for war against Great Britain.

    This video shows several clearly documented instances of Federal officials breaching the 2nd, 3rd and 4th amendments to the bill of rights in the aftermath of Huricane Katrina.

  • # Amendment Rights
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