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Israel denies medical equipment for children with disabilities

  • Uploaded 12 years ago in the category middle east news

    Israel denying medical equipment and additional aids to children with disabilities is hindering their progress and making it harder for the parent/carer.

    With t


    Israel denying medical equipment and additional aids to children with disabilities is hindering their progress and making it harder for the parent/carer.

    With the right equipment and positional support children can overcome and work around their disability.

    Israel denying equipment is a violation of human rights and is discrimination to the disabled.

    Without access to the most basic support structures and services, many Palestinians with disabilities are marginalised, excluded from education, work and social activities.

    MAP's holistic programme helps people play a more active role in their own personal development and communities.

    MAP's working to provide workshops, training, activities and ongoing support, designed to help children and adults to manage stress and anxiety helping them feel more in control of their lives.

    MAP works for the health and dignity of Palestinians living under occupation and as refugees.

    Established in the aftermath of the massacre at Sabra and Shatila, today MAP delivers health and medical care to those worst affected by conflict, occupation and displacement.

    Working in partnership with local health providers and hospitals, MAP addresses a wide range of health issues and challenges faced by the Palestinian people.

    With offices located in Beirut, Ramallah and Gaza City, MAP responds rapidly in times of crisis, and works directly with communities in the longer term on health development.



    Reuploaded from MedicalAidPalestine's channel-


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