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  • Uploaded 12 years ago in the category News and Politics

    The REAL Truth About Steroids is the fact that both the media and the majority of sports fans have biased steroid use to baseball players.

    We all know about Bar


    The REAL Truth About Steroids is the fact that both the media and the majority of sports fans have biased steroid use to baseball players.

    We all know about Barry Bonds, Mark Mcguire, Jose Canseco, Sammy Sosa, and Roger Clemens.....But what about the NFL.

    Is everyone truly that ignorant or do we just neglect the fact that the starting lineman are all using steroids? It's safe to say that Professional NFL players are the biggest atheletes around.

    And anyone whos been AROUND the sport knows whats going on.

    So, why is Mark Mcguire and Barry Bonds such a big issue when the WHOLE NFL, and LITERALLY, THE WHOLE NFL are using steroids....That's a great question we the people and the media should be asking ourselfs.

    Great players like Barry Bonds get their records tainted while steroid using football stars are being cheered all the way into the Hall Of Fame.

    Doesn't seem to fair does it, and that's because it's not.

    If we are going to ridicule and ruin players achievements......Let's at least be fair about it

  • # Steroids
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