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PART 2 Russian Cosmonaut Reveals UFO, Alien and 2012 Crop Circle SECRETS

  • Uploaded 12 years ago in the category NASA And UFO'S

    Pane Andov "Astral Walker" reveals the WHOLE TRUTH about Dec 2012, Aliens Existence & Crop Circles...

    He talks of a nearby planetoid


    Pane Andov "Astral Walker" reveals the WHOLE TRUTH about Dec 2012, Aliens Existence & Crop Circles...

    He talks of a nearby planetoid heading our way & of the SUN increasing in size - But perhaps more importantly of a shock-wave coming from the centre of the milky-way that is due to arrive mid December...

    I remember reading a NASA report several years back, something about an immense measurable explosion ballooning out of centre of our galaxy and there was much talk and discussion at that time about the effects it might have upon Earth...

    But all evidence of this has all but been eradicated and is now hard to find...

    but I will keep searching for it and keep you advised.

    Let me say this...

    There are many doubters out there & I understand and accept this as about 85% of the worlds population gets their news and information either directly from the media or via chat with friends or colleagues...

    The other 15% look beyond and seek alternative information from a variety of sources of these about half explore the facts presented in depth...

    most of these people soon realize that we are constantly fed lies &/or disinformation leaving us blind or confused to the truth of what is really happening around us...

    To seek the TRUTH you must do your research and not believe everything that you see or read...

    check sources and ask yourself what biases that these sources may have...

    then look elsewhere for cooperative information...

    the more sources that you find that support other information indicates a higher probability of truth and reliability...

  • # ufos# nasa and ufos
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