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Donald Trump LIVE | Trump's Mega Rally In Nashville LIVE | Trump Speech LIVE | USA News LIVE | N18L

  • Uploaded 1 year ago in the category News and Politics

    Former US President Donald Trump addresses the National Religious Broadcasters in Nashville, Tennessee.
    DISCLAIMER: This video may contain allegations


    Former US President Donald Trump addresses the National Religious Broadcasters in Nashville, Tennessee.
    DISCLAIMER: This video may contain allegations that are factually questionable or cannot be independently confirmed by CNN News18.

    Nashville, Tennessee

    Ahead of Tennessee's March 5 primary where he will try to secure his spot as the Republican challenger to President Joe Biden in November, former President Donald Trump will speak at a national forum in Nashville.

    South Carolina Republicans on Saturday hold their presidential primary.

    In Nashville, Trump will address Christian broadcasters at the National Religious Broadcasters International Christian Media Convention at the Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center.

    #donaldtrump #trumpspeechlive #news18live #trump #usa

  • # Trump# Donald Trump# Trump rally
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