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The End of the World? Climate Change and Disaster Progressivism (The Point)

  • Uploaded 12 years ago in the category News and Politics

    December 21st, 2012 is rapidly approaching, which has us thinking about...the end of the world! What impact does population control have on the environment, and


    December 21st, 2012 is rapidly approaching, which has us thinking about...the end of the world! What impact does population control have on the environment, and what effect do women's rights have on positive social change on population and the environment? How do progressives mitigate disasters, man made or natural? And lastly, with the predicted Mayan apocalypse less than two weeks away, what is general thought on this "event" in terms of climate change and the tendency toward apocalyptic thinking among the US populace?

    Ana Kasparian (Host, The Point and Co-host of The Young Turks) lead this weeks panel to discuss these issues and more with Desi Doyen (Co-host of the Green News Report radio show), Lee Camp (Comedian, Moment of Clarity Podcast) and Mark Thompson (Emmy-winning TV personality).

    Special thanks to Thom Hartmann, host of The Thom Hartmann Program for sending in a point.

  • # Climate Change
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