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Too Fat To Fight? Military Obesity Discharges

  • Uploaded 12 years ago in the category News and Politics

    "Under intense pressure to trim its budget, the Army is dismissing a rising number of soldiers who do not meet its fitness standards, drawing from a growin


    "Under intense pressure to trim its budget, the Army is dismissing a rising number of soldiers who do not meet its fitness standards, drawing from a growing pool of troops grappling with obesity.

    Obesity is now the leading cause of ineligibility for people who want to join the Army, according to military officials, who see expanding waistlines in the warrior corps as a national security concern."*

    The number of soldiers being discharged from the military is several times more this year than from 5 years ago.

    Why is that, and are the discharges founded? Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian break it down.

  • # Obesity
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