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Palestinian-Israeli tension spills into violence in the West Bank

  • Uploaded 12 years ago in the category News and Politics

    www.euronews.com/ Tensions have risen in the West Bank in the run up to this month's Israeli parliamentary elections.

    Clashes erupted in


    www.euronews.com/ Tensions have risen in the West Bank in the run up to this month's Israeli parliamentary elections.

    Clashes erupted in the town of Tamoun after an Israeli raid to seize members of an alleged militant group.

    According to Palestinian reports, youths threw stones while some soldiers responded with live fire.

    Elsewhere, there was more violence when Jewish settlers attacked a village near Nablis, damaging homes, uprooting olive trees and torching a lorry and tractor.

    Graffiti was also sprayed including the slogan "Price Tag" which is a euphemism for revenge hate crimes by Israeli extremists.

    In Jerusalem, bulldozers backed by Israeli police demolished a Palestinian house.

    It belonged to the family of a hunger striking prisoner being held in Israeli detention.

    The brother of the prisoner, Rafat ak Issawi said:

    "We were surprised that at 5.30am the soldiers came knocking at our door and said they wanted to demolish the house.

    They did that and left, but I hadn't had any warning they intended to do this."

    Palestinian-Israeli tensions often spill over into violence before elections.

    This time a religious party which favours settlement building in the West Bank appears to be gaining popularity.

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