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  • Uploaded 12 years ago in the category Police Brutality

    According to our source, the officers involved were: Richard Hallman, Jennifer Pitt, Patrick Taylor.

    Jan 22, 2013, Colorado Springs Police Officers wer


    According to our source, the officers involved were: Richard Hallman, Jennifer Pitt, Patrick Taylor.

    Jan 22, 2013, Colorado Springs Police Officers were dispatched because the mother called police because the guy drank 2 beers and wanted to move out and leave..

    His mom didn't want him to leave so she called the police and said he was drinking but didn't tell them it was 2 beers.

    That was the purpose of the 911 call.

    The man and his daughter were sick of her instigating a problem.

    You can hear the little girl..

    shes upset with the mom as well..

    When Police arrived the mother decided to start videoing because of their rude behavior.

    When the man stated that police could not come in without a warrant, he was tackled to the ground in front of his daughter at TAZER point .

    The child was traumatized by the misconduct of these officers.

    Eventually, the man was released without charges because there was no crime.

    The cop got pissed off because the man stated he couldn't come in.

    There is currently an internal investigation into these Colorado Springs Police Officers for said misconduct.

  • # POLICE EXCESSIVE FORCE# corrupt officer# dirty cops# cops caught
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