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NYPD Detective claims he Feared for his life and gets away with Murder ! 2/15/13

  • Uploaded 12 years ago in the category Police Brutality


    Veteran NYPD Detective Hassan Hamdy shot unarmed 22 year old National Guardsman Noel Polanco dead simply because Polanco cut him off on the expre



    Veteran NYPD Detective Hassan Hamdy shot unarmed 22 year old National Guardsman Noel Polanco dead simply because Polanco cut him off on the expressway.

    The Detective told the grand jury he feared for his life and the charges were dropped as always.

    This tragedy is just one of many as NYPD cops continue to shoot unarmed citizens with the excuse they feared for their life.

    These killer cops may think they got away with murder but only when they meet their end and are facing eternity will they learn that no one escapes justice ...

    no one !

    R.I.P Noel Polanco

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  • # NYPD pigs# cop# dirty
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