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The Smoke-Filled Room 4/9/13 (NY news)

  • Uploaded 12 years ago in the category News and Politics

    published on 4/9/13

    New York City will be better off without Speaker Quinn as Mayor.

    Her record on living wage, paid sick leave, term limits, lack of sup


    published on 4/9/13

    New York City will be better off without Speaker Quinn as Mayor.

    Her record on living wage, paid sick leave, term limits, lack of support for animal rights and animal welfare, combined with her reputation for siding with the rich and powerful to advance her own political aspirations, makes it clear that as mayor, Quinn would only continue to appease special interests that do not have the well-being of all New Yorkers in mind.

    news provided by cnnnext.com

  • # NY news
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    Comments (1)
  • la puta Quinn as Mayor is wrong she does not care about the middle class, she is for sale just ask boomberg, oh and that watch dog is bloomberg,