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Weekly Address, America Stands with the City of Boston 4/20/13

  • Uploaded 12 years ago in the category White House


    President Obama speaks to the American people about the act of terror at the Boston Marathon that wounded dozens and killed three innocent people



    President Obama speaks to the American people about the act of terror at the Boston Marathon that wounded dozens and killed three innocent people on Monday, and says that through it all, Boston's spirit remains undaunted and Americans have proven they refuse to be terrorized.

  • # Weekly Address# America Stands with the City of Boston
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    Comments (1)
  • FABRIZIO FAIOLA GOD bless the victims and the families;sameone 12 years ago sayd:"We're all Americans";for me it was right.The terrorism is a tragedy for entyre HUMAN rice,is one of the biggest problem that the Pres.OBAMA and the Americans peoples(but the world too)have.My best wishes to the President(that i admire,because i think he has a lot of responsability and alls are not easy)good work...