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Weekly Address: Replace the Sequester with a Balanced Deficit Reduction 4/27/13

  • Uploaded 12 years ago in the category White House

    Published on Apr 27, 2013

    President Obama says that because Republicans in Congress allowed a series of harmful, automatic budget cuts—called the


    Published on Apr 27, 2013

    President Obama says that because Republicans in Congress allowed a series of harmful, automatic budget cuts—called the sequester—to take effect, important programs like Head Start are now forced to reduce their services.

    After travelers were stuck for hours in airports and on planes this past week, members of Congress passed a temporary band-aid measure to stop the cuts that impact airlines — but they must do more to stop cuts to vital services for the American people.

    That's why it's time for a balanced approach to deficit reduction that makes smarter cuts and reforms in the tax code while creating jobs and strengthening the middle class.

  • # Weekly Address# Balanced Deficit Reduction
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