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Porn More Popular Than Netflix, Amazon & Twitter Combined 5/7/13

  • Uploaded 12 years ago in the category News and Politics

    "YouTube announced at its Brandcast that it now scores more than one billion unique users each month.

    On the other hand, a recent infographic claims that


    "YouTube announced at its Brandcast that it now scores more than one billion unique users each month.

    On the other hand, a recent infographic claims that while YouTube is indeed top dog, a much lewder alternative is comfortably in second place.

    Fledgling adult video site Paint Bottle has noted that online porn videos score 450 million uniques each month, more than Netflix, Amazon, and Twitter combined."*

    Internet porn gets more monthly visors than Netflix, Amazon, and Twitter combined, and is responsible for a HUGE chunk of data transferred on the internet overall.

    But is porn the beat-all of the internet? Cenk Uygur and Gina Grad (Pretty Good Podcast) discuss.

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  • # business# Porn Netflix Amazon# Twitter business
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