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Judge Tosses Indictment Against NYPD Cop in Ramarley Graham Case (5-15-13)

  • Uploaded 12 years ago in the category Police Brutality

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    Judge Tosses Indictment Against NYPD Cop in Ramarley Graham Case (5-15-


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    Judge Tosses Indictment Against NYPD Cop in Ramarley Graham Case (5-15-13)

    NYPD COP killed black teen, and got a promotion, if your black or Hispanic your in trouble, people are scared just to call 911, you might get robbed or killed.

    THE NYPD is under a human rights violation, and still they keep killing, raping, robbing, then go home to cop land lie about what they brought, when in reality they Robb the evidence room like its the eBay store

  • # NYPD Cop killed# got away with murder
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