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[WARNING: GRAPHIC] Police Brutality [Chattanooga, Tennessee] 6/10/13

  • Uploaded 12 years ago in the category Police Brutality

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    A surveillance video obtained by WRCB Channel 3 of a confrontation between Chattanooga Police and federal inmate Adam Tatum has prompted a news conference Thursday morning.

    The confrontation between Chattanooga Police and federal inmate Adam Tatum at the Salvation Army's halfway house last June that put Tatum in the hospital with broken bones and got Officers Sean Emmer and Adam Cooley fired for use of excessive force.

    Tatum's attorney, Robin Flores, obtained the video through court order from the Hamilton County District Attorney General's office.

    He's seeking to have Tatum's convictions thrown out, after Tatum pleaded guilty to assaulting the officers.

    "We counted at least 200 blows, 200 individual blows," says Tatum's attorney, Robin Flores.

    "They were dragging him by his broken leg."

  • # Police Brutality [Chattanooga# Tennessee] 2013
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    Comments (1)
  • number1 user come on maaan, rodney kin all over again, its because we have an african american president, law informent needs a watch dog, give me the job, ill take them all down, good cops hate duty cops,