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Gohmert: Food Stamp Users Are Fat, Not 'Starving' 6/22/13

  • Uploaded 12 years ago in the category News and Politics

    "One of the biggest congressional fights over the farm bill that failed yesterday was a provision that would make significant cuts to the food stamp progr


    "One of the biggest congressional fights over the farm bill that failed yesterday was a provision that would make significant cuts to the food stamp program.

    Today Texas Republican Louie Gohmert took to the House floor to shoot back at accusations that Republicans are "evil" for wanting to cut the program for the poor."*

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  • # Gohmert: Food Stamp Users Are Fat# Not \'Starving\' 6/22/13
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    Comments (1)
  • number1 user what about the rich, who pay less then 8 percent of taxes, what about the money speech, we can go on and on, no one never questions the rich, why