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Is Obama About to Make a HUGE Mistake With the Federal Reserve? 7/25/13

  • Uploaded 11 years ago in the category News and Politics

    Provided by cnnnext.com

    "Whoa, what just happened? In the last day, Larry Summers went from another face in the pack in the race to rep


    Provided by cnnnext.com

    "Whoa, what just happened? In the last day, Larry Summers went from another face in the pack in the race to replace Ben Bernanke as Federal Reserve chairmanrace to the front-runner.

    The buzz has hit fever pitch, and the White House has even weighed in, in its own indirect way.

    President Obama reportedly "really likes" Summers, in the words of the Washington Post's Ezra Klein, whose Tuesday-afternoon blog post amped up the Summers buzz.

    CNBC's John Harwood also heard from a source close to Obama that Summers "should be" the Bernanke successor."*

    You my know Larry Summers for his deregulatory advocacy that helped lead to the financial collapse of 2008.

    You may soon know him as...

    Obama's Federal Reserve Chariman.

    Why? Cenk Uygur breaks it down.

  • # Federal Reserve
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