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Tea Party Protests Ebony Magazine, Ebony Continues Not Caring 8/9/13

  • Uploaded 12 years ago in the category News and Politics

    Provided by cnnnext.com

    "In response to criticism over its decision to run four different covers honoring the late Trayvon Martin this Septe


    Provided by cnnnext.com

    "In response to criticism over its decision to run four different covers honoring the late Trayvon Martin this September, Ebony magazine has hit back with a bit of mockery.

    Promoting its cover article on the Martin story while explicitly calling for a repeal of controversial "Stand Your Ground" laws, Ebony's four covers feature famous black families (including NBA star Dwyane Wade) posing in grey hoodies in solidarity with the Florida teenager."*

  • # Tea Party Protests Ebony Magazine# Ebony Continues Not Caring 8/9/13
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