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NSA Spying - Hayden Smears Snowden 8/13/13

  • Uploaded 12 years ago in the category News and Politics

    Provided by cnnnext.com

    "...Just yesterday, Face the Nation featured [Michael] Hayden as the premiere guest to speak authoritatively about h


    Provided by cnnnext.com

    "...Just yesterday, Face the Nation featured [Michael] Hayden as the premiere guest to speak authoritatively about how trustworthy the NSA is, how safe it keeps us, and how wise President Obama is for insisting that all of its programs continue.

    As usual, no mention was made of the role he played in secretly implementing an illegal warrantless spying program aimed directly at the American people...".* The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down.

  • # NSA Spying - Hayden Smears Snowden 8/13/13
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