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NIGGER Word In The Workplace, Is It Ever Okay To Use? 9/5/13

  • Uploaded 11 years ago in the category News and Politics


    "In a case that gave a legal airing to the debate over use of the N-word among blacks, a federal jury has rejected a



    "In a case that gave a legal airing to the debate over use of the N-word among blacks, a federal jury has rejected a black manager's argument that it was a term of love and endearment when he aimed it at black employee.

    Jurors awarded $30,000 in punitive damages Tuesday after finding last week that the manager's four-minute rant was hostile and discriminatory, and awarding $250,000 in compensatory damages."* Cenk Uygur, John Iadarola (TYT University and Common Room), Jimmy Dore (TYTComedy, The Jimmy Dore Show), and Ben Mankiewicz (What The Flick?! and TYT Sports) break it down on The Young Turks.

  • # NIGGER Word In The Workplace# Is It Ever Okay To Use? 9/5/13
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    Comments (4)
  • number1 user if he was white, the law suit would not even happen, oh she has a criminal record,
    • number1 user this women comitted grand lawsen, and gets a lawsuit, the african man gave her a second chance, and she breaks him down with a lawsuit,
      • number1 user when an officer kills a black man, it ok no law suit, but when a black man call a black women nigga, she gets a law suit, com on maaaan
        • number1 user ITS OK TO USE IT, WHEN YOUR LATINO OR BLACK