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Police Brutality!! Caught on Tape!!

  • Uploaded 12 years ago in the category Police Brutality

    ***********************READ DESCRIPTION -- OPEN ME!!!*********************** This video was created as an example of the importance of filming the police.



    ***********************READ DESCRIPTION -- OPEN ME!!!*********************** This video was created as an example of the importance of filming the police.

    Video provides transparency, accountability, and an accurate account of incidents that occur.

    It is no secret that the United States has a serious problem with police abuse, brutality, and corruption.

    It is essential for civilians to document their encounters with police officers to ensure transparency, accountability, and safety to all of those involved.

    Police departments have, for too long, tried to bully, intimidate, threaten, arrest, or otherwise harass law abiding citizens from recording the activities of law enforcement in public.

    Enough is enough! It is time for all of us to take a stand and expose police brutality when we witness it.

    Even if the officers behavior is correct, and justifiable, we still encourage the recording of the police activities for the transparency and accountability that is desperately needed in many departments.

    If you see something, film something, the freedom of press begins with you! If you feel the need to upload this video to your Youtubes, please contact us and we will make sure you acquire a high quality version of the film with our info.

    And please, add our links in the description, thanks More information about the clips in order of appearance: ORIGINAL FOOTAGE Suspect with Crowbar Shot Outside Carls Jr Monterey Park youtu.be New Footage of Oscar Grant Shooting (with sound) youtu ...

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