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How Many Atheists In Congress & New Atheist PAC? 9/20/13

  • Uploaded 11 years ago in the category News and Politics


    A PAC for atheist candidates? "...the Center for Humanist Activism launched a political action committee, hoping to



    A PAC for atheist candidates? "...the Center for Humanist Activism launched a political action committee, hoping to turn the tide.

    The Freethought Equality Fund PAC is being billed as the first non-theist PAC with a full-time paid staff.

    The group's organizers plan to provide financial support to humanist, atheist and agnostic candidates at all levels of government, and will support candidates who identify with a religion, so long as they are committed to protecting the separation of church and state and defending the civil liberties of secular Americans...".* The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down.

  • # Atheists In Congress
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