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Israel's Benjamin Netanyahi Calls on UN: 'Iran Is Developing Nuclear Weapons'

  • Uploaded 11 years ago in the category middle east news

    Published on Oct 1, 2013


    At the United Nations General Assembly in New York, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netany


    Published on Oct 1, 2013


    At the United Nations General Assembly in New York, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu delivered an extensive criticism of what he calls "Iran's nuclear weapons program." The prime minister denounced recent statements by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani as "lip service," and said that Rouhani's words contradicted Iran's actions.

    "If you want to knock out Iran's nuclear weapon program peacefully, don't let up the pressure," Netanyahu said.

    Netanyahu called for Iran to take further diplomatic actions to end their enrichment of uranium, including to cease all uranium enrichment, eliminate any uranium stockpiles in Iran and dismantle infrastructure for nuclear breakout capability.

    Netanyahu said that UN member states should continue to enforce economic sanctions on Iran, and not to accept a "partial deal" with Iran.

  • # Israel
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