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HAARP Freq Stepping CAUGHT in Action!! 10/2/13

  • Uploaded 11 years ago in the category Haarp Weather machine


    This is an excellent capture of the beam stepping through various frequencies.

    It is rather violent in the w



    This is an excellent capture of the beam stepping through various frequencies.

    It is rather violent in the way the clouds jump to position, based on the particular wavelength.

    The point is, the control is in place, and this can be applied up high, or down-deep, under the soil, using ultra low frequencies, to trigger massive (or minor) earthquakes.

    It is a better weapon than even "Doctor Evil" could of EVER dreamed of, in his wildest fantasies.

    Yet, our secret government agencies, are using it over North America at will.

  • # HAARP Freq Stepping CAUGHT in Action!! 10/2/13
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