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Weekly Address: Working Together on Behalf of the American People 10/19/13

  • Uploaded 11 years ago in the category White House


    In this week's address, President Obama said that now that the Federal government is reopened and the threat of default i



    In this week's address, President Obama said that now that the Federal government is reopened and the threat of default is lifted from the economy, there are three places Washington can take action to serve the American people.

    First, it's time for a balanced, responsible approach to the budget that grows the economy and shrinks our long term deficits.

    Second, we must fix our broken immigration system.

    And finally, Congress should pass a farm bill to give rural communities the opportunity to grow.

    The President said it's time to put aside politics and work on behalf of the American people and the country we love.

  • # Weekly Address
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