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Low Wages at McDonald's, Burger King Cost Taxpayers Billions 10/25/13

  • Uploaded 11 years ago in the category News and Politics

    New research shows more than half of low-wage workers at fast-food restaurants rely on public assistance to survive -- a rate double that of the overall workfor


    New research shows more than half of low-wage workers at fast-food restaurants rely on public assistance to survive -- a rate double that of the overall workforce.

    According to researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, low wages in the fast-food industry cost American taxpayers nearly $7 billion every year -- that's more than the entire annual budget of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

    A companion report by the National Employment Law Project found McDonald's alone costs Americans $1.2 billion annually by paying its workers insufficient wages.

    Last year the top 10 largest fast-food companies alone made more than $7.4 billion in profits.

  • # McDonald\'s# Burger King Cost
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