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Bill Maher, Michael Moore, Sharpton, and Richard Dawkins Battle Over the Sins of Islam 11/5/13

  • Uploaded 11 years ago in the category middle east news

    rnOctober 25, 2013 - Bill Maher, Michael Moore, Reverend Al Sharpton, and Richard Dawkins all got together to debate r


    rnOctober 25, 2013 - Bill Maher, Michael Moore, Reverend Al Sharpton, and Richard Dawkins all got together to debate religion and...

    well, need I say more? Maher brought up Dawkins' recent Twitter controversy, involving some controversial remarks about Islam, and said liberals are always so "worried they're going to be called racist if they criticize people of the Muslim faith." He contended they're betraying liberal principles by being apologists for radical Muslims opposed to said liberal principles.
    rnSharpton argued every religion has "zealots," but Maher insisted it's not the same and called the comparison "bullshit." Valerie Plame and Moore also pushed back against Maher, making the point that there are plenty of Christian radicals all over the world.

    But both Maher and Dawkins argued that unlike Islamic extremists, Christian extremists don't casually throw out fatwas and death threats when their faith is attacked.
    rnSharpton insisted much of the Muslim community has thoroughly denounced the "distorted use" of their faith, while Moore charged that Christian extremists are just as bad because their stranglehold on American politics has kept the U.S.

    in a scientific "dark age."

  • # Sins of Islam
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