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(Middle Class) Benefits Targeted By Washington Post 11/24/13

  • Uploaded 11 years ago in the category News and Politics


    "...There are basically two categories of people who want to see Social Security cut: 1) financiers who wish to move us



    "...There are basically two categories of people who want to see Social Security cut: 1) financiers who wish to move us toward privatized retirement accounts so that they can charge us fees; and 2) rich people who do not like to pay taxes.

    Their main champions are conservatives at the Heritage Foundation, libertarians at the Cato Institute and Wall Street financier Pete Peterson.

    Just about everybody else in America is against cutting Social Security, as poll after poll demonstrates.

    The people have continued to speak loudly and clearly, and yet Washington can't seem to get the message.

    This is obviously because a lot of media people and politicians rely on money from the two groups mentioned above.

    So they have to come up with arguments to try to convince the public that up is down and red is blue.

    It's a war of attrition: repeat lies and distortions often enough and maybe they'll come to be taken as facts.

    The latest volley is a shameful and distorted editorial in the Washington Post which attempts to downplay the retirement crisis faced by Americans and to stoke generational tensions by suggesting that Social Security is a burden on young people instead of a vital safeguard."* The Young Turks hosts Cenk Uygur breaks it down.

  • # Middle Class
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