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Cop Breaks Law, Caught on Tape!!! New York Sheriff's Deputy texting while driving

  • Uploaded 12 years ago in the category Police Brutality

    As I was arrested for allegedly not going to housing court(which i went), the Sheriff's deputy thought it would be cute to text sweet nothings to someone while


    As I was arrested for allegedly not going to housing court(which i went), the Sheriff's deputy thought it would be cute to text sweet nothings to someone while driving me to the holding center.

    That's fine cuz luckily i had my phone.

    Go ahead, risk my life while texting and driving, I'm just a lowly criminal, but i'll see you on youtube sucka!!! By the way I'm pretty sure his name is Deputy Avery.

    He was a nice guy for the most part, said he was sorry i had to go to the holding center for stupid housing court, however he did refer to me as "the bad guy" when he picked me up and asked if i thought the new cop cars were ugly cuz he did...i surveyed the situation and quickly snapped back "they're all ugly"...zing.

  • # Dirty Cops
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