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(CIA) Turned Git Mo Detainees Into Double Agents 12/2/13

  • Uploaded 11 years ago in the category News and Politics


    "A few hundred yards from the administrative offices of the Guantánamo Bay prison, hidden behind a ridge covere



    "A few hundred yards from the administrative offices of the Guantánamo Bay prison, hidden behind a ridge covered in thick scrub and cactus, sits a closely held secret.

    A dirt road winds its way to a clearing where eight small cottages sit in two rows of four.

    They have long been abandoned.

    The special detachment of Marines that once provided security is gone.

    But in the early years after 9/11, these cottages were part of a covert CIA program.

    Its secrecy has outlasted black prisons, waterboarding and rendition.

    In these buildings, CIA officers turned terrorists into double agents and sent them home."* The Young Turks host Ben Mankiewicz breaks it down.

  • # CIA
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