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Corporate, Powers In Secret Trade Deal 12/10/13

  • Uploaded 11 years ago in the category News and Politics


    "The Obama administration appears to have almost no international support for controversial new trade standards that



    "The Obama administration appears to have almost no international support for controversial new trade standards that would grant radical new political powers to corporations, increase the cost of prescription medications and restrict bank regulation, according to two internal memos obtained by The Huffington Post.

    The memos, which come from a government involved in the 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade negotiations, detail continued disputes in the talks over the deal.

    The documents reveal broad disagreement over a host of key positions, and general skepticism that an agreement can be reached by year-end.

    The Obama administration has urged countries to reach a deal by New Year's Day, though there is no technical deadline...".* The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down.

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