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Pope Francis, SHOCKED By Gay Adoption 12/31/13

  • Uploaded 11 years ago in the category News and Politics


    "In his Christmas sermon, Bishop Charles Scicluna of Malta condemned adoption by same-sex couples.

    He insisted that



    "In his Christmas sermon, Bishop Charles Scicluna of Malta condemned adoption by same-sex couples.

    He insisted that God's own son was raised by a man and a woman, and not by two men or two women.

    How divisive! said the media.

    But now it turns out that Bishop Scicluna met Pope Francis on December 12.

    The bishop later told the Times of Malta: "We discussed many aspects...

    and when I raised the issue that's worrying me as a bishop [the right for gay couples to adopt] he encouraged me to speak out."

    Indeed, the Pope was "shocked" to learn that Malta's proposed Civil Union bill allows gay adoption.

    And Bishop's Scicluna's controversial sermon seems to have been delivered at his prompting."* The Young Turks hosts Cenk Uygur and Ana Kasparian break it down.

  • # Pope Francis
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